Chapter 3

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   "There they are!" was what everyone was saying as the Cullen's walked into the cafeteria during lunch . I smiled as I remembered the scene from twilight when Jessica  explained to Bella who they where. Speaking of Bella, David told me that she would be coming next year since I'll be turning 17 then

"Wow" I heard Mike Newton exclaim, "Rosalie and Alice are hot"  with Eric and Tyler nodding in agreement, which made me scoff in distaste. I disliked those boys since they started hitting on me cause I was hot. I mean, I knew I was hot, but they did they have to make a move on me in very disgusting ways if you know what I mean.

" Oh my God " Jessica murmured, "Look at Edward and Emmett" At the sound of Edward feet walking in the cafeteria, I looked up from my food at my personal table and caught him staring at me winch made me smirk in amusement.

I stared at each of the Cullens in a calculating gaze. Rosalie, with her beautiful blonde hair that looked almost golden, Emmet, with his big stature and raven black hair, Alice with her small frame and pixie cut, Edward looking the same as always, and then there was Jasper

Jasper was always my favorite when I was reading the book because I first felt sorry for him, then I admired him. He faced so much during the war, then Maria turning him which made him a vampire, him becoming the Major, and now dealing with everyone thirst for blood everyday.

As I stared at him, I looked at his blonde locks that reached his shoulder,the confidence in his walk, and then I stared at his scars. I wasn't scared of it, it actually looked beautiful.

When it was time for me to go, I threw my lunch away and walked to my next class. The Cullens had left to their next class a few minutes ago, so I was half surprised when I saw him sitting near my desk in History

Jasper Withlock

Well I did it. I wasn't dead, I just had state exams and a math final I had to study for.                                 You know the drill. READ VOTE COMMENT. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

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