Surviving the sea

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    The waves were gently crossing to the shore. As he crossed the huge waves no matter the depth of situation that will lead him into a situation or tragedy. Spending almost a year sailing the ocean to transport liquid or gas to different countries. A ship which is dangerous among the ship, often spend period at sea. Have a huge possibility to suffer from disaster such as fire, explosion etc. They bravely risk their lives just to ensure the better life of their family. Had the chance to travel around the world. Places were almost this first time to visit. Leaving his love done just to provide the needs and wants of the family. Everyday facing the rusty metal of the ship. Who found exclusively on tanker sand oil in-charge of the safe and proper operation of the liquid cargo transfer system. After a months spending life at sea they can actually go to their families and loved ones. The exciting part, to see and to be with his family and to feel also the fresh air of the place they live. The place where they can relax, far from the rusty metal of the ship and smell of oil they had always smell.
   As he crossed the huge waves, he is a father whose brave to perform one of the toughest job in the world by running those massive ships through the roughest seas and riskiest areas. He was strict, discipline and a short tempered who did some wrong in his life but he isn't a bad man. He is a very supportive man to his family who stand as a mother and a father to his child. He doesn't scared in facing ugly storms and monstrous waves when they taking oils or products from one location to another. He also risked his own life through piracy and warzone which until several ships have been high jacked and many seafarers have been taken as a hostage by pirates. As a seafarer they have to manage everything by themselves at sea. No matter how risky they face, they continue to work hard and to face health hazards just to shipped to the scheduled location on the right time. Staying away from their loved ones to carry out their duties at sea. Is one of the biggest difficulties of a seafarers face in their life. They have missed every single celebration of their family and some wasn't able to attend funerals of their family. He endured all the hardships, even it will lost his own happiness to be with his he go home to the place where there are his loved ones, he also shares how happy he is to reached the best places in the world. But all these beautiful places will be gone after a prolonged stays at port and go back to the ship's engine room or upper deck.
   Albert was a seafarer aboard a tanker vessel that was attacked by a pirates in the gulp of Aden at the Arabian sea. As he woke up, suddenly the emergency alarm activated which was the most common alarm on board. Followed by a public address, the duty officer asked all the crew members to go up the bridge. And they immediately run to the bridge. When all the officers and crew members were already at the bridge, the master announced that there was a speed boat chasing them or the ship. And they see the speed boat was really fast. After a few minutes, the speed boat was very close to the ship. The ship defend itself to avoid the pirates by creating waves, but the pirates easily avoid it and chase them. The pirates fired a gun, continuously firing on the starboard side. The men were wearing a jackets, faces covered and wearing pants or shorts. The pirates pointing their gun to the bridge, signaling that they will not stop if the ship does not stop. And the master ordered to stop the engine. The pirates stopped and one by one were boarding the ship. And they shoot each passage that they were passing through. When they had reached the bridge, they decided to locked themselves. As they locked the bridge, they saw the pirates reaching the bridge area. When the pirates reach the bridge area, they pointed their guns to the crew members and signaling for them to open the door. And when they open the door, they immediately asked where is the captain and shouted, "Captain? Captain? Where's the captain?". And the captain raised hand and asked, "What is the problem? What's our fault?" but the pirates didn't understand the captain and only say, "Pirates! Pirates! "and they attacked the captain like punching and kicking him. Then they get the crew list and count the officer and crew and get their cash and mobile phone while the other pirates robbed each cabin and stole their belongings and stock of foods, necessities etc.
Then they take the vessel together with the crew members to a town in Somalia. The pirates began to negotiate for ransom. As the time passed they started to get impatient in negotiating the ransom and began to be violent and abusive to the crew members. The crew members was held for more than a months before the negotiations were completed and they were release. The crew members was provided a medical assistance, needs and then flown home. The lawyer debriefed to document their experiences. The crew member tells how painful their experience during the hostage in Somalia.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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