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He did cry. He cried so hard, that even he was surprised that someone like him could produce so many tears. He sobbed for many reasons, like he would never be able to let emotions out like this ever again. He cried for all the times he was forced to lay down with someone. He cried for all the times he was actually hit and abused by his clients for not being what they wanted. He cried for his father, who sold him in chance of better money, He cried because Saihara was so... kind to him. It was heartbroken how touch starved he felt. Though he had been touched in many ways. He never felt a true, caring touch until he met Saihara Shuichi.

He didn't know how long he spent showing Saihara his inner turmoil through tears. But eventually he was too tired to cry anymore. He wiped his eyes and muttered too many apologizes. Saihara only shushed him and told him to call him Shuichi.

Shuichi led him back to his room and said he should rest. He agreed, mainly because crying exhausted him. "Shuichi..." He whined, he grabbed his hand from the bed. "...do you honestly not want me...?" Another reason why he was so upset. Shuichi might not like him enough. Kokichi must not be good enough. Shuichi blushed, "...I...I want you to be happy." He whispered sweetly. "..B-But you're the only one who will ever treat me like this..." Kokichi muttered sadly.

There was a mix of emotions in Shuichi's eyes. "...Rest. I'll be in the other room if you need anything." Kokichi didn't want him to go. "...Shu..." He knew there was nothing he could do to make Shuichi love him. But he didn't want that light to flicker and blow out. He's just got it. There was no way he would burn out so quickly. "Tell me you love me at least... even if it's a lie. Please..." He watched Shuichi shake his head. "...I won't play with your feelings like that." He leaned over and lightly kissed Kokichi's forehead. "...But I do care a lot for you."

Shuichi left, but the small kiss still lingered. He's been kissed many, many times before. But never, has he had such an insignificant kiss, mean so much.

...This treatment felt so nice. He couldn't go back... he just couldn't....

.  .  .

"Hey Shu!" He greeted on the sixth day of his stay. "Morning Kokichi, sleep fine?" Kokichi nodded. "Better than ever. Showers really make me sleep long. Sorry if you felt lonely in my absence." Kokichi giggled. He walked over where Shuichi was on the couch. He kissed his cheek, even though Shuichi said no kissing, and sat next to him.

"What are you working on?"  He asked curiously. "...mm, just some divorce cases. Drama and things." Shuichi yawned. Kokichi frowned. "That's why I didn't see you till midnight. Working on cases?" There was a sleepy nod from Shuichi. Kokichi hummed in disapproval. "...here, someone needs to relax a bit." He reached over and closed Shuichi's laptop. "I'll be right back!" Kokichi smiled and hopped up to pull out that fan that's been left unplugged all week.

"What are you doing now?" Shuichi asked as his head followed to where Kokichi went. "You have your sleeves rolled up for a reason right? And how could I miss that unbuttoned collar." Kokichi plugged in the fan and faced it at Shuichi. "And Shuichi, it's summer. How are you not completely dying of heat."

Kokichi skipped over to the fridge and pulled out two popsicles. "Here ya go." He offered Shuichi a blue treat. "Thanks... but aren't I supposed to make you feel nice?" He took the popsicle and Kokichi sat back next to him. "...You already make me feel nice." He muttered as the fan blew cool air on their faces.

Kokichi subtly leaned into Shuichi's shoulder, half expecting him to pull away. He didn't. Instead, Shuichi lifted an arm around him. "I'm glad..." He said softly. "I have to go to work today... I've been trying to put it off, but I have to go back at noon."

Kokichi hugged Shuichi. "No... Don't go! Come on Shuichi! I have... only today and tomorrow..." he saw the disappointment on the others face clearly. "I know... I will be back at night. I promise. I won't let my stay stretch longer than midnight." Kokichi closed his eyes and sighed. "Okay... as long as you don't ditch me."

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