Hello again everyone how y'all doing today? Good? Not so good? Hmm well am here to tell i have a lovely garbage truck going around to collect all your problems.
"Don't believe me? Your prob."Okay so far i have 6 names for our contest. Think that's enough or should we get more?
If that's a yes.
Last call for those who want to be in the GT event. I will be putting out the name by the end of the day.
Thank you.
HumorAnd they say come and see. Lets make this remarkable. Lets have fun. Our Judges Theflash24601 AlphaStilinski13 -Teddy-reads -isha8040 -loveandwar Chimneacherem Our Administrators Myself) Shellianjackson0 Princess-of-heaven -Rakibul_Apurbo