🌫Daiya Owada x F!Reader

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It was currently a pretty normal day, you were hanging out with a few members of the Crazy Diamonds, as well as your fiance and their leader, Daiya Owada. He was so perfect, and just so good to you. Also not to mention he started one of the largest biker gangs in Japan. But you know, you always saw the good in him. Ever since senior year, when you first started dating, he's been a peach to you. Always respecting you, protecting you, and paying attention to you. It was a little unexpected because of his intimidating and frightening nature, but you were never scared of him and never backed down. That's what kept you two together for so long and what got him to propose to you. The way he did it was so cheesy too, he decided it would be a great idea to propose right after he'd just won a race against a rival gang. He crossed the finish line and you gave him a celebratory kiss, but he apparently had more in mind.

"Hello?? Earth to (Y/N)? Are you there hun?" You snap out of your thoughts and look up from staring at your engagement ring to your loving fiance.

"Oh sorry, just lost in thought." You said with a smile. Daiya smiled back and leaned in for a kiss, but you quickly turned your head away just to tease him.

"Eh?" He cocked his head in confusion. "What's wrong hun? Did I do something wrong?" You wanted to giggle but kept your composure.

"Well, if you want a kiss, you have to earn it." He smirked that wolfish smirk that you fell for years ago and pulled you into his lap, kissing you passionately and making you squeak in suprise.

"Ew, get a room you two this isnt the honeymoon just yet." Mondo, Daiya's little brother, commented. Daiya pulled away and looked at him, chuckling.

"Look little bro, once you find yourself a girl like (Y/N) you'll understand why we're so affectionate towards each other." You smiled and sat more comfortably in Daiya's lap, then looked at Mondo.

"Yeah! And even if it's not the girl of your dreams, but maybe the guy of your dreams, we'll always accept you. Anything that makes you happy makes us happy." A few of the other guys start chuckling, including Mondo. "What's so funny about that?"

"Alright, look (Y/N), I know you're trying to be nice and supportive and all but Im not gay." I sigh and smile a little.

"I know, but still you never know what might happen in the future! I mean, I had a gay phase in highschool. Not meaning all gay people are going through a phase but I just didnt know what I liked! I needed to experiment." Daiya stopped laughing and looked at you.

"Wait so- you've made out with another chick before?" You thought for a second and nodded.

"Well, Id say more than just one, and more than just kissing." Some of the guys whistled and such but Daiya just looked at you shocked. "Is something wrong babe?"

"No no, nothing at all. Im just trying to imagine that.." He went off into his little dream land but spoke up a few seconds after. "I just cant see it, I mean you love my co-" You cover his mouth before he can finish his sentence and lean in close to his ear.

"Daiya Owada I swear to gods if you finish that fucking sentence I will cut off your dick and sell it on ebay. Do you understand?" His eyes widened and he nodded, slightly terrified.

"Uh, anyways um, little bro, how have you been doing in class?" You smile from seeing a bit of blush on Daiya's face from embarrassment and subconsciously pat yourself on the back, knowing full and well you're gonna regret this later. Mondo looks at this older brother and sighs in a bit of anger.

"Daiya, you know my situation with my grades." He glares at Daiya but everyone else laughs.

"I know I know, you gotta get them up though if you want to pass." Then you see a switch just go off in Mondo, he stands up and walks away, but before he leaves he stops.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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