someone new|chapter 2

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(izzy pov)

when they answered it was...

mAx MiLlS!?

(phone convo)
(m-max, i-izzy)

m- umm hello ??
i- hi who's this ??
m- oh its max we spoke on Instagram the other day.
i- oh ok sorry i didn't know who it was I've never heard what you sound like that's all.
m- no its fine.
i- soo... if you don't mind me asking why did you call ??
m- well i was just wondering when your birthday is. so when is it ??
i- oh no it's fine. my birthday is 5th December.
m- thx bye izzy.
i- no worries bye maxi.

whoh !! ive never heard a voice so soft as his. i just wish i could feel his soft ruby lips on mi- whoa!!!! you only just started to talk to him the other day and you have a boyfriend ! stop izzyyyy!!!!!

(harvey pov)

"harvey, max, leo !! dinner !!" my mum yelled with her usual chirpy voice .
"coming!!" i yelled back.
when i came out if my room and walked to the stairs i saw max sitting at the top looking sad, happy and well... i don't know his most obvious facial expression was happy.
"maaaxxxx..... diiinnnerrrr's reaaaddyyy....." i said in a sort of sarcastic voice.
"urrr coming lets go..." he replied in a sad voice.
we all scurried down stairs like little mice. our parents asked us all sorts of question to do with school but i just blocked them out. i could see Max looked a little bit distressed so i changed the subject to Ariana Grande, which i knew max would jolt his head up but he didn't move at all. ( ps take note that i shouted ) so i looked at my dad to give the look that i wanted to talk to max alone so he nodded. 'i looked at max and a mouthed 'i need to talk to you come on' so he nodded and we went to the living room and i ranted " max you haven't spoke to anyone all dinner time what's wrong ? "
i paused for like ten seconds to see if he would answer. i don't get any response he just looked blankly at the floor.  " max talk to me one really wor-" i began to say before being cut off " look harvey if there was something wrong id say but i haven't so just stop asking me !! understand ?"  he said so sternly. he raised his voice i backed away a little bit but not a lot for him to notice. when he finished he walked back into the dining room but i didn't follow . i went up to our room and went onto his phone. google history. nothing. snapchat. nothing. Instagram. it explained nothing until i looked at his dms. Lucas, Dobby, me and then...a girl ?? max never talks to girls even if hes texting. so i clicked on their messages and i read through their messages when i saw that she was from Palm Springs. that's so far away from here and i could tell that they would get closer. so that might be what he was so sad about. so i decided to do a wise (-ish) thing and text her.

*Instagram dms again*

hi im maxs brother and i just wanted to say hi and ye that's it hi :)
oh okay hi um sorry but it's like 3am where am and i have school tomorrow so ye bye. :))
                              oh okay sorry night :))

well that's a good first start .i just hope if they ever go out that she doesn't walk all over his heart like all the other girls have ( like 3 but whatevs )

(max pov)

i went back into the dining room expecting Harvey to be following me but when i turned around and saw him scurrying upstairs, out eyes met and i rolled my eyes and sat back down. after about ten minutes me and Tilly ( my lil sis ) went into the living room and watched telly tubbies. then when she was asleep i turned the TV off and went upstairs to go to bed. (  btw it was like 8:30 ) i had school the next days so i wanted an early night, when i walked in i saw harvey on his bed looking a bit disappointed but like he was gonna do something mischievous. i felt pretty bad for what i did in the living room so i walked over to him and sat on his bed. he looked up at me a bit still taken aback on what i did. "listen harvey, i was just upset i didn't mean to take it out on you im sorry." i said with tears forming in my eyes. "max its fine you don't need to apologise i was having a go out you. im sorry bro." he said while offering his  hand to me as a sign to do our little secret handshake. i looked at his hand looked back up at him and we did our handshake. i offered my arms into for a hug. he playfully roles his eyes and hugs me back.

( izzy pov )

*phone call to mum*
( m- mum, i-izzy )

m- hi sweetie how you holding up ?
i- good thx ! how's France ?
m- oh it's amazing ! at night the lights shine onto the ocean and oh! it's just amazing!! i wish you were here darling i miss you so much .
i- that sounds so nice. i miss you to !
umm mum ?
m- yeah ?
i- i don't know if you've realized but it's my birthday in two months and your gone 4 months...
m- oh darling i completely forgot !! I'm sooo sorry. umm why don't you go to the ATM and get 500 out of my account invite some friends over and go shopping or something ?? and i promise ill have something big planned for you i promise!!
i- thx umm i have something else to tell you as well...
m- yeah what's up ??
i- well i started talking to this boy called max mills the other day and he seems really cute and sweet .
m- well meet up with him ! you'll finally have a boyfriend !
i- that's the thing i can't he lives in  Berkshire, England....
m- well there's something I've been hiding from you too....
i- oh god what's wrong ?...
aha left yous on a cliffhanger !
read the previous chapter to
understand this one . 💗
thx for your service and bye love you all !! 💗😻
~izzy x x x

see you soon :)||max millsWhere stories live. Discover now