:'(||chapter 8

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previously: immediately my brain tells me to call max but my heart says leave it...

*now, izzy pov*

when i see the text all the muscles in my chin begin to tremble i crawl out of bed not being able to stand. i start to feel my legs again, i pace around the room having a panic attack. i look out of my window with tears streaming down my face and max looking out of his window at me with worry in his eyes and and a bit of anger. when i see him, her turns around and writes something on a piece of paper. it said 'im coming round don't move, i love you ♡' after i see that i smile slightly and mouth 'thank you' with my hands in the shape of a heart (cringey ik). he smiles and runs out of his room. i knew what he was gonna do so i go to bathroom to wash my face. after about 15 seconds i hear a knock on the door. i dry my face and i run downstairs as fast as i could. i open the door and smile and wrap my arms around max as he wraps his around me. we pull away and walk into the kitchen. "so why were you crying?" he says leaning on the kitchen counter. "ill show you when we go upstairs." i say opening a bottle of red wine. "whoa! why have you got wine?" he says reading the bottle. "i like some once in a while." i say finding the ice cream and popcorn. "oh okay." he says getting some glasses from the cupboard i cant reach. "come on." i say holding the bottle of wine walking up the stairs. "so this is my bedroom." i say putting everything on my table. "oh cool so now can you tell me?" he says sitting on the bed. i get my phone from the bottom of my bed and show him the texts. "oh my god! have you shown your mum?" he says reading them again. "no she's on a business trip in New Zealand." i say turing the TV on. RiNg, RiNg! who the fuck is calling me now?!
the one person i don't want to talk to...

keep scrolling....

a lil more...

Danny!? wtf!?

"hello..." i say.
"why did you move?" he says with his deep raspy voice.
"i-i-i-im n-n-not telling...." i say stuttering every word.
"it's fine your mum told me." he says.
"she doesn't have your number." i say a bit confused.
"umm ye she does i don't lie." he says back.
"okay Danny! im izzys boyfriend leave her the fuck alone and if you ever touch her again you won't see the next day you understand?!" max says screaming down the phone.
"o-o-okay sorry..." he says sounding defeated hanging up. "wow thx max." i say pouring some wine in our glasses
"it's okay." he says taking his glass. after about an hour of watching a film i get a call from an unknown number. i pull away from Max's cuddle and answer. "hello?" i say with one of my eyebrows raised. "hello are you Izzy Mae Lee?" a high female voice asked. "yeah who's asking?" i say a bit scared. "um im Mrs Smith im the head at Yatley. your mother has asked a close friend of yours, max mills, to show you round the first day back at our school." she says. "oh okay thx bye." i say looking at max. "im joining your school." i say putting my phone down. "wait really?" he says pausing the TV. "yeah your showing me round on Wednesday." i reply. "yeah let's goooo boiss!" he shouts jumping up and down like a 5 year old. "can we unpause it nowww?" i say tackling him on to the bed. "fine fine." he says unpausing it. best boyfriend ever....

(max pov)

me and izzy watch movies all night and cracked jokes. it was the best night i have had in ages. until danny, izzys, ex called us. obvious i git pissed off so i screamed down the phone, "okay Danny! im izzys boyfriend leave her the fuck alone. and if you ever touch her again i swear to god you won't see the next day! do you understand?!" that obviously scares him so he hangs up. when we started watching another film, halfway through she got another phone call but this time it was a women. the voice sounded really familiar. then she told me that she was starting my school. "wait seriously?!" i say pausing it. "yeah your showing me around on Wednesday!" she shouts getting some ice cream. "let's goo boisss!" i shout jumping up and down like a 5 year old. she moans at me to unpause it. being the good person i am i do. we snuggle back up into the hug we were having before she got the call. we finish one bottle of wine and 4 tubs of ice cream. bruh we are fat. "max can we go get McDonalds?" she says tidying the bed. "yeah corse come on." i say slurring a bit. "max. your not driving i am." she says getting the keys and putting slides on. "why?! it's so unfair!" i shout sounding like a baby. "because your drunk. im not." she says as we go outside. "okay sorry, im paying though." i say sternly. "okay." she says. we get to McDonalds and order our food, we pay but out food was delayed so we had to wait. so we waited for a bit then got it. "max. food fight!!" she says throwing chips at me. "oh it's on like donkey kong!!" i say throwing half of my fries on her. after about 5 minutes of us being weird and throwing food she stops. "what's wrong?" i say brushing off some chips. "i was just wondering what my life would be like if i hadn't met you." she says a bit sad. "well we would still know each other cuz your my neighbor." i say comforting her. "true..." she says driving off. i wonder why she would think about that. ive never thought that.

*izzy pov*

"hi mum!" he shouts into to the kitchen as we walk in with McDonalds. "oh hi hunny ho- oh my god are you Izzy?!" she shouts hugging me. "yeah." i say hugging her back. "what have you two been doing?" she says dragging us into the kitchen. "not much just watching films and stuff at mine." i say as she unpacks the food onto plates. "Tilly leo! McDonalds come on!" she schouts as two adorable blondies run downstairs. "oh my god your both adorable." i say hugging them both. "oh. my. god. your izzy!!" they shout jumping up and down. "wow im famous." i say looking at max. "we your dinner is ready to sit down." max says putting Tilly in a seat that makes her higher. "so your the famous izzy Lee." a boy says that looks like max. "yeah, you must be Harvey?" i say sitting down next to max. "yeah how's Yatley been so far?" the blonde-ish boy says sitting opposite max. "good, it's further away from London than i thought." i say after taking a drink from a glass of wine. "whoa are you allowed that?" an older man says. "yeah, you must be Paul?" i say shaking his hand. "yes so how's it been so far?" he says shaking my hand and sitting down. "good." i say taking my plate from Sara. we talked for ages when parents came up. "u-u-umm you'll have to excuse me for a minute." i say tearing up. before me and max went to McDonalds i got a message from my aunt saying that my mum died in a meeting from heat stroke. "izzy what's wrong?" i hear from a younger girls voice says. "uhh nothing." i say sniffling. "okay even tho im 6 i know when someone's sad." she says climbing on my knee. "so my mum has gone on a very long holiday and she won't come back." i say wiping away my tears. "has she died?" she says looking up at me. "wow your smart, yes she's died." i say looking at her. "have you told max?" she says. "no but i will tonight." i reply. "okay, our tea is getting cold." she says opening the bathroom door. i know this sounds weird but talking to a 6 year old helped a bit.

see you soon :)||max millsWhere stories live. Discover now