3... Lost In Your Eyes 💏💏💏❤.....🥰🥰🥰🥰

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So this chapter is Especially dedicated to @Harshita114 , since you Waite a lot, for this update, & loved it too, Thankyou so much for encouraging me, to write this chapter Dii.

Here you go guys........


Aliya was completely lost in his beautiful angelic face, his beautiful chocolaty orbs, she felt, as if she was completely spelled, it was the very first time in her life, when she was feeling this different ..... She never in her life, never ever thought that....she'll be attracted to some stranger like this, after everything she went through.... She never thought this, that she'll fall in love, she'll feel something for any GUY, ever in life, that too at first sight......she WS feeling as if shewaas flying in sky.....she felt so nice....just a look of him, made her do Bhangra in her head......

She was completely lost in her thoughts, thoughts of her past, that was a constant reminder to her, to pull HER back, away from her encouraged life, a new start, the things that she went through was too much for a person, especially a GiRL to even think of that, but here , she went through all the torture, that was the PAiN given by her family .....to her, as a gift, with which, she had to survive her complete life, it was just too much for a person to fight against, but this fight of survival, having hope for a better future, was something that helped her to go with, all the unbarable pain,.....this all would have been just a Lost battle, if her bestie & her dii & jiju would not have been there for her, would have just left her, to rot in that hell of a home, to let her die, due too her family's wrath, hatred for her, she would have just had a painful slow death, a day, which, may god don't give to experience, anyone, even the ones, that hated her, she prayed & thought.

All of a sudden she felt something on her left cheek, when she all of a sudden she jerked from sudden movement, when she came out of her trance, she found that, the GUY, standing in front of her, for whom she fell in love, at very first sight, just kissed her on her left cheek, she was just so happy, after realising that, she was too shy to react, but, after all, she already started loving him, who just became her "DREAM GUY" she found it a not so ladish thing, to react to his act, still she did, & gave him a full-hearted smile, and after her reaction, he started blushing, till now, a crowd of students was formed around them, Since, he was the handsome hunk of the university afterall, who won't like to be a part of His life, he was the one with silver spoon in his mouth, from his birth, he had everything, from A toZ ...... From Family to Power, He was exactly a dream guy, of every girl,evry guy was used to be either jealous, or friends with him, he was too lovely, a PERFECT MAN in true sense, that had everything, PARENTS, LOVE of FAMILY, MONEY, POWER, RESPECT, LOOKS, INTELLIGENCE, everything, he was a sweet guy, who was even friends with his enemies, turned their hearts into pure ones, except some heartless ones, coz the didn't had emotions in heart,.......

He was exactly that "PERFECT PERSON", which God created themself, without any FAULTS & FLAWS .

He was Excellent in everything....he was the university topper,  on his own, just a perfect dream guy, of every girl on earth, waiting for his beautiful Dream girl.

Seems like God Just was to fulfill his wish.

He immediately forwarded his hand a for her to Shake.

She hesitantly accepted his hand for shake.

"Aliya Haider" she said while blushing furiously, uncontrollably.

He kissed her hand, the one she gave for handshake.

"Zain Usman Abdullah" he said, blushing uncontrollably.

"Where were you LOST???" He asked being so curious, while blushing...

"......In YOUR EYES...." She replied, feeling her heart racing uncontrollably .....


Author's Note [A/N] :-

So how was the update guys???

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Hope you would ha e liked this update,

You can tell also tell me if u guys want any of my works to be updated first, i'll love to have yours opinions & love for mine works......

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"#ZaYa : Dheere Dheere Se Tera Hua#"




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