모든 연수생이 모든 기능에 참석해야한다
please follow us cause we desperate
hoes okay! follow our personals also;
bish1995. we would be delighted!참석할 수없는 경우 관리자에게 알립니다
add this book to your library cause
we are planning on updating regularly
but we don't know lols기숙사는 항상 청결해야합니다
face claims as idols only, obviously
but the age gap shouldn't be more
than three years. also, please make
neat forms and it should be commented
in a proper format pleassee괴롭힘을 당하거나 폭력을 당하면 해고 당한다
please be nice, we really do not want
any bullies or people who think
that their better than someone else
or has a better position and stuff
like that. if caught doing any such
thing, we will not hesitate to remove you성 차별주의, 차별 또는 동성애 공포증은 여기에 없다
if you are to change your username
or go on a hiatus, please be sure to
inform either one of us as it would
save you all and us a lot of trouble위압적 인 경영자가 즐기고 고민하지 말라!!
please tag at least three friends
so this doesn't flop!!