First Day at Kindergarten

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(Credit of the art above goes to the artist)

Finally, it was the first day of Kindergarten, and the kids, including you and the boys, were really excited!!

"Mom, mom!! The day has come!! Yipee to Kindergarten!!", you were shouting and running around the living room.

"Yes sweetie. But first you gotta eat breakfast and pack your bag!!", your mom said.

"Come and eat now, sweetie", pleaded your dad.

"Okay okay, Imma eat now!!", you squealed, and climbed onto the chair and sat at the kitchen table.

The Kindergarten had given uniforms for the kids to wear, and they were allowed to wear whatever they liked, on their birthday alone, and give everyone candies or chocolates too, if they wanted to. 

The girls uniform was: Light sky blue full sleeve top with light ink blue collar and the Kindergarten logo on the left of the top, light ink blue skirt with pockets on both sides, light sky blue long socks and light ink blue school shoes.

The boys uniform was: Light sky blue full sleeve top with light ink blue collar and the Kindergarten logo on the left of the top and a pocket, light ink blue long pants with pockets on both sides, light sky blue medium length socks and light ink blue school shoes.

You were wearing your uniform and had your hair combed too. Your mom had made your favorite pancakes with chocolate syrup poured on top, specially since it was your first day of class, and seeing the pancakes, you squealed with excitement.

"PANCAAAAAKES!!", you shouted, and started eating.

"Wait!!", your mom said.

"Why, what's wrong, mom?", you asked.

"You forgot to do something...", your mom paused.

"....oh yeah!!...I'm sorry, I'll do it right away!!", you said.

Your family would always do prayers and thank the farmers for the food becoming possible, before eating at the table, daily. Your mom had taught you that, but you forgot today. So you did your prayer and thanks, and then continued eating.

"Good girl!!", your mom said and you smiled, as you ate.

Soon, you finished eating, and placed the plate, with the spoon and forks, near the kitchen sink, drank some water, and went to your mom and gave her a big warm hug.

"The pancakes were great, you really did great, mom!!", you squealed, as your mom kneeled down.

"Awww...I'm glad you liked it, sweetie", she said and kissed your forehead, and you both hugged each other.

"Now...let's pack your school bag, shall we?", your mom asked.

"Okie dokie!!", you replied in excitement.

So you and your mom got your cute school bag that you picked from the shop. It was pink and purple, with purple flower prints. You had a Marvel water bottle, a DC comics lunch box, a Barbie pencil box with all your stationery, and a cute strawberry cupcake key chain on the bag's first zip. It was medium sized, and had three zips having a compartment each, right enough to keep all your stuff in.

You both kept all the stuff and the books and notebooks given by the Kindergarten, in your bag. Then, you put your bag on, and your mom gave you a straw beach hat to wear on your head, as it was sunny outside, in the morning. After all was ready, you and your mom said bye to your dad before leaving, and you both were off to Kindergarten!!

BTS got ready too. They ate their breakfast, they packed their bags with their moms, and they all set off to Kindergarten, together, in a group, from the apartment.

"Oh I can't wait to see Kindergarten...I'd feel like a kid again!!", squealed Jimin's mom.

"Totally...we all used to have so much fun there as kids...I really miss our childhood days...", said Taehyung's mom.

"Me too!!", agreed the other moms, as they walked with the boys to Kindergarten.

The boys had bought new school stuff too, just like Y/N, and had their uniform on too. They were so excited to go to class and do all sorts of mischief!!

"I can't wait to go to class and have fun!!", shouted Taehyung.

"Yeah, and we better pick seats so that we sit next to each other", said Namjoon.

"Totally!! Nobody's gonna separate us!!", shouted Jimin.

"And we can run around, draw pictures, meet new kids and become friends, and more!!", squealed Jin.

"And show everyone our talents!!", shouted Yoongi.

"And make...paper airplanes and fly them in class!!", shouted all the boys, together.

"BOYS!! NO MISCHIEF!!", warned the moms together.

"Hehe...okay mom!!", replied the boys nervously.

So everyone finally made to front playground of Kindergarten, which is were the entrance to the campus was, and whoa...there were so many parents with their kids!! It was so crowded there. It was so loud as everyone were talking. Some kids were really excited and some were nervous, and their parents were assuring them that class won't be scary. Looking at the crowd, the boys were so excited, so was Y/N. They all couldn't wait to get into class!!

Each student was given a slip, which had information about their classroom allotment and the classes they would have. Class was from 9am to 12.30pm, Monday to Friday. It was 8.50am and the bell rang early, since it was the first day, and all the kids waved bye to their parents, and started entering their classrooms.

"Bye, mom!!", the boys shouted.

"Bye kids, have fun!!", the moms replied, and they were on their way.

"Bye mom!!", you shouted.

"Bye sweetie, have fun!!", your mom shouted, and you were on your way too.

You looked at your slip and looked for your class, and you found it, and approached the door. But there was a little rock in the way...and you didn't notice it. You tripped and fell down and fell because of it.

"Oww!! That's because of this rock, ahh!!", you shouted, as you were on the floor.

The boys entered the classroom too, except for Namjoon. Because he noticed you had fallen down, and came to help you up.

"Hey, are you okay?", he asked.

"Huh? Yeah...I'm fine...just tripped because of this little rock!!", you said, and pointed at it.

"Don't worry, I'll push it nobody will trip over it ever again!!", he assured to you, and kicked the rock, and it fell onto the playground, really far away from class. All the classes were on the ground floor, there weren't any other floors in the building.

"Wow...thanks!!", you said.

"Your welcome!!", he said cutely, and gave his right hand and helped you get up.

Then he noticed the straw beach hat you were wearing and your school bag, and he really liked it. Awww!!

"Nice hat and bag...they're really cool!!", Namjoon squealed.

"Thank you!!", you replied, with a grin.

"I'm Namjoon...Kim Namjoon...of BTS...and you?", he said.

"I'm Y/N...nice to meet you!!", you said, and you both shook your right hands, smiling at each other.

"What's BTS, by the way?", you asked curiously.

"It's a group of mine I formed with my best buddies...I'll tell you later. Now we gotta go to class, ok?", he said.

"Ok, you better tell me about your group later sounds interesting!!", you squealed, and he smiled at you and your curiosity, and found it cute.

"Sure, I will!!", said Namjoon, smiling, and you both entered class together.

Stay tuned for the next chapter hehe ❤️️

Kindergarten Life!! (Little BTS X You)Where stories live. Discover now