Stella's mate

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Me and tommy were sitting in the kitchen tommy was studying. he is going back to school. He had to drop out when he fond out he was pregnant with our first kids so now he is getting his GED . I am helping him study. Then Stella came in the kitchen she is now in high school she is a junior. "Hey mom hey dad said" Stella. "Hey sweetheart mom is studying for a test he has on Friday "I said. "Oh ya I forgot he is going back to school to get his GED" said Stella. " Ya he is he had to drop out of school when he got pregnant with our first kids " I said. " There done finally hey Stella" Said tommy. " Hey mom so now that your done with your studying I have something to tell you guys " Said Stella. "Ok what is it " Said tommy. " Well I found my mate and how I know I find my mate is because I'm in my heat right now but there is a problem" Said Stella. " What is the problem " I said. " My mate is a girl I'm bisexual " Said Stella. " Ya we know " Said tommy. " What how " Said Stella. " We have known since you were I  middle school when we sow you holding hands with a girl and kissed her on the lips " I said. " Ok but if we ever want kids how am I going to get pregnant  of my mate is a girl " Said Stella. " Well if you guy want you can adopt a kid " Said lily. Evenone gave her a hug. " What are you doing here aren't you in college now " Said Enzo. " Ya I am but I wanted to tell you guys that I have a game tonight that I have to cheer at and I wanted to know if you guys wanted to come " Said lily. " Ya we can " Said tommy. " Ok cool anyway I here Stella fond her mate " Said lily. " Ya I did her name is  jasmine and she knows I'm a werewolf " Said Stella . " Cool I'm happy for you you deserve to be happy even if it is with a girl " Said lily. " Thanks sis " Said Stella. Then we all went to the game at the college lily go's to she is cheering because she is on the cheerleding squad we are watching them cheer when a girl came up lily she was on the other cheer team they were talking so I was listening to what they are saying." Well well look who's back the world's   most stupidest cheer squad"said the girl. " At least I can win games and you guys do is cheer and don't do any stunts " Said lily. "Ya we do we do flips " Said the girl. " Ya flips and that is it " Said lily. " What ever I'm not going to listen to this anymore " Said the girl. " Good oh and by the way I hope your ready to lose because we are going to win this game " Said lily. The game when on and they won the game so me adam Stella lily tommy and everyone came over to separate that Stella fond her mate we are so happy for her and her girlfriend. Me and tommy went to bed so did Stella and everyone else left to back to there House's.



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