Chapter 11: Caring

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August 16th

The next morning

     The eyes of the older fluttered opened hearing the sounds of his TV filling the once quiet room. Its volume was low but due to Jimin's sensitive ears from his hangover, it sounded much louder. "Too loud.. a-ah my head.." Jimin groaned softly in annoyance, burying his face into what he thought was the couch pillow.

"Good morning to you too" A low, familiar chuckle spoke aloud. At that moment Jimin froze, his tired eyes widening awake before he sprung up in desperate attempts to further himself from the younger whose arms were wrapped firmly around him. "H-Hey! acK-"

"W-What are you doing?! Why are we so close?!" Jimin panicked, holding tightly to his clothes, feeling a bit more relieved to be reassured they were on his body. Finally, he returned his confused gaze back to Jungkook as he sat awkwardly on the other's legs.

"Jimin-ssi relax.. I-... We.. We didn't- just calm down" Jungkook scratched his head awkwardly as his face began to lightly heat up. "Do you even.. remember anything that happened last night?.." He asked, his voice holding a more quiet tone as he softly bit his lip. Jimin rubbed his head, once he started trying to remember it slowly all came back.

          As Jimin began to explain it all began to replay in his mind. "W-Well.. we were driving back to the apartments after your concert.. I-I was all snuggly like I normally am when drunk and finally we got back.. then.. a-and then you tried to take me into my bedroom, I didn't want to go because I was reminded too much of what.. he.. did.. I started crying and you.." Jimin paused, his gaze grew a bit unsure and insecure as it met Jungkooks. "You kissed me."

        For a moment there was a silence between the two. The way Jimin was looking at him, Jungkook could tell something was off with the blonde. It gave him this kind of guilty feeling in his chest. "Why are you looking at me like that?" The younger asked softly, his voice held concern.

"Be honest with me Jungkook.." The smaller finally spoke up, now letting his gaze fall to his lap. "...You kissed me out of pity didn't you?" an embarrassed laugh escaped his delicate lips as he covered his face.

       Hearing that, Jungkook scoffed. "You know..It kind of hurts my feelings you see me as that kind of guy" The red-haired laughed softly. The smaller tensed shyly feeling Jungkook grasp firmly onto his hips pulling him a bit closer so he was reseated on his lap instead of sitting all weird on the youngers legs. "Its weird..but.. seeing you broken like stops every sensible thing in my body and I can't help but feel the need to do anything I can to keep you from feeling that way.. a-and I know you just got out of a bad relationship and I'm not trying to take advantage of your state I just- I dunno- I want you to be.. happy. a-and-" Suddenly Jungkooks words were cut off a gentle pair of arms wrapped around him in a sweet embrace, thought the younger was a bit taken aback, he smiled softly, returning the hug. 

"Thank you for caring Jungkook-ah~" Jimin muttered, almost now growing this sense of security from being around the younger, truly feeling the honesty behind his words. "Of course my heart is still handling him and I'm not really sure what to do from here..." Jimin continued, parting from the hold to face the younger. "But I trust that you will stay by me and respect whatever my conclusion may be.."

"Of course I will" Jungkook nodded, his lips forming a genuine smile towards the boy. Jimin rolled his eyes trying to hide his smile, gently hitting the youngers shoulder.



"Shut your face, my head hurts" Jimin giggled, shaking his head before getting up to go and head into the kitchen. Jungkook still lay on the couch watching Jimin turn the corner before returning his eyes to the TV screen.

"Uh hey Jimin-ssi~" Jungkook snickered, "Make me a sandwich, pleeaaasseeee~ I'm just soooo hungggrryyy~" The red-haired boy groaned in a playful voice. He could hear Jimin giggling, the blonde obviously knew he was kidding.

"Go back to sleep, and starve" Jimin laughed, he heard Jungkook let out a big gasp of shock only making him laugh more. He smiled to himself as he thought about how weird their relationship was, there wasn't really a label for it. But still, the older was glad he was getting a chance to forget about Yoongi for a little bit, especially since the school year would begin in two days.


Hm. Conclusions.

I wonder what this new school year will bring?

Tell me what you think?

I couldn't edit much of this, I recently just got a kitten and it was unplanned XD but I hope you still enjoyed this chapter

Also, I saw End Game last weekend and what the fuck i'M still brOKen-


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