Chapter 12

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Arabella's pov

When I woke up and my head hurt. I got up off the floor and went to the door I started screaming and hitting it
"Hello?!! Who are you!?" I yelled hitting to the door then it hit me Alani was in the car!!
"Where's my daughter!!" I yelled. There was no answer so I went back to the floor and sat now. I heard voice coming from outside so I ran over to the door and hit the door.
"Somebody open the door" I yelled next the i knew the door opened hitting me in the head.
I grabbed my head and sat down.

"Mom" Alani said I opened my eyes and ran to her
"I'm here I'm right here baby girl" I said kissing her head.
"Quindi tu sei la sua debolezza" a deep voice asked (translation: So you are his weakness) why does that voice sound so familiar?
"Chi è debolezza" I asked (who's weakness)
"Milo's debolezza" he said
It's fucking Alex!! He is my father's right hand! (Pic of Alex above)
"Perché stai facendo questo" I asked he was like my uncle (why are you doing this). I grew up with his kids and now this?
He laughed "I was always smarted than your father and I told him not sell you so I could take over" he explained
"No you would the gang would go to my brother" I said he just laughed and walked out said that he would be back soon.

I sat there with Alani thinking about what Alex had said. My dad did want to give the gang away and Alex would have been next. After a while a man came and took Alani and I. We were blindfolded but we walked down a long hallway then up some stairs and into a room. When he took the blindfold off I saw a room similar to the rooms at the house. A king bed, a tv, a bathroom and a walk in closet. A maid brought us food and the quickly left. I turned on the TV for Alani then tasted the food to make sure it wasn't laced. I walked over to the closet and it was full of clothes for me and Alani. Did he really think we were going to stay here with him?


Milo pov

The phone went dead... Fuck...

I ran downstairs to the guys
"Someone has Arabella and Alani" I yelled panicking
"What are you talking about" Danny said getting up
"Someone ran them off the road and has them" I said Oliver took my phone to track Arabella but if they were smart they would have broke her phone. I called her mom and brother's with my other phone to let then know
"Arabella and our daughter have been kidnapped" I said
"We know and we know who took her" her mom said angrily
"I'm coming over" I said hanging up. I swear if anyone hurts her or Alani I will kill them. Or our unborn child..

Arabella pov

The clock on the wall said 10:38 pm so I took Alani in the bathroom and made her take a shower.
"Mommy how long do we have to stay here? I want my panda bear toy" she said I totally forgot she would sleep unless she has it. I got it for her 3 days after we got her
"It's okay watch some TV and I'll look for it okay" I said tucking her into bed and putting Back to The Future on.

There was a phone that was like the ones you get at hotels. I called the only number on the paper
"You called honey" said Alex said into the phone which earned a eye roll from me
"I need a Panera bear toy for my daughter" I said
"Why" he laughed
"She can't sleep without it" I said hoping he will just give me one
"What brand" he asked
"The beanie babies one" I said remembering the one he got me for my 7 birthday.
"You know the one you got me" I said trying not to cry
"I know the one" he said with a voice crack and hung up.

I climbed into bed with Alani when Alex came in with the panda.
"Here you go Alani" he said giving it to her and kissed her forehead. I knew he wasn't going to hurt us he just wanted to hurt Milo for some reason.
He walked over to me
"We need to talk business" he said with dark eyes
"I can't leave my daughter" I said
"I'll have Maria watch her. The one that babysat you and you stayed the night here" he smiled knowing how much I loved Maria but I showed no emotion and nodded.
"Mommy's going to be right back. Maria is mommy's friend and she is going to watch TV with you okay" I told her
"Okay" she said giving me a hug and watching Marty drive the car.

We walked into his office and I sat at the chair behind his desk. Suddenly all the times I would play in here or run to him when Mark was being mean (Mark is Alex's son) I was fighting back the tears when Alex looked at me and noticed.
"Ay babygirl don't do that" he said he always hated when I would cry
"I'm sorry" I said looking away
"I need to tell you something about your father and mother at you won't like" he said
"What is it" I asked curiously


Milo's pov

I pulled up to Arabella's house and ran to the door. Her mom opened it. She hugged me and started crying
"Mrs. Martinez it's going to be okay" I said trying to make her feel better
"Please call me Camilla" she told me and walked into her husband's office to where I found him dead with her 3 sons standing over the body.

Am I about to die?

"My husband was always abusive but when he found out Arabella wasn't his daughter he lost it and tried to kill me" she said looking at the lifeless body. Wait?? He isn't Arabella's father?

Chapter 12 is done!!! Let me know what you guys think so far.

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