The Truth

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"What did you do to Boa?" it wasn't long until Norman decided to ask that; perhaps, around two hours later. It was when he felt like Theodore let loose of his guard, and had pulled the question on him. "Theodore, please tell me."

Theodore didn't bother to turn around, and continued gazing outside the glass window. It was the window that allowed him to view the training room below. Theodore had always paid attention to the sight below; but right now, Norman felt like he was ignoring rather than being interested in the trainees under them. No matter how hard the man fakes everything, Norman was willing to see through him.

When no answer was given, he clenched his fist and tried again. "Theodore. Did you hear me or not?" Damn it. This man was almost atrocious.

Much to his relief, he didn't take long to answer that all. The man answered rather silkily. "I heard you, alright." Seriously? That doesn't give any information at all. Just, how long is Theodore capable at stalling?

"Then answer my question. What did you do to Boa?"

"I didn't do anything."

You're lying. Norman wished he could say that to him, but somehow knew of the consequences. Even  as he spent his whole life training, Theodore could possibly be strong enough to hold him off. And not to mention, everyone knows what happens when you verbally challenge him.

Instead, he allowed his throat to ease until he could say them formally and calmly. "Theodore, I'm being serious. Don't say what I want to hear."

"What you want to hear? No, Norman. I'm speaking the truth," the man smirked as he turned his head. "You just don't want to believe me is all."

Norman paced forwards slowly, coming towards Theodore almost threateningly. Theodore had noticed fully now, and turned around so he could face him. "No, I just... I just want to know what you're hiding from me. Do you care about me or not?"

Theodore turned to look down at Norman, almost as if he's examining him. Norman imagined the man's blue eyes behind the mask, trying to guess Norman's next move. And even, looking into his head. Theodore knowing so much about his life wasn't a coincidence, but knowing his head would be another story.

That's right, Theodore. Take a look at me and see whether I would like this or not. Go ahead and see.

Finally, Theodore came up with a response. "Of course I care about you. I try to make this place home for you, and make sure you aren't scared of anything here. I try to make sure you stay like the odd high school kid you were, but I guess that's far long gone..." he trailed off, looking away. 

"Sacrifice everything here, wasn't it? Not only my own life, but you took took away others too."

"You can say that. But tell me, why is some kid so important to you? You have other things to worry about: getting a job; becoming a powerful Blader; and everything else. Not to mention, your break will end real soon and you'll get back to college."

Apparently Norman's head almost strained to think. Why is some kid so important to me? This person was Boa, who had never been significant to him, other than occasional Beybattles. This kid came here with the same reason: Just to become a stronger Blader somehow. And yet, Norman felt like there was ambition on this child; he saw it in the kid's green eyes, which seemed more lively than anyone else's here.

Eyes that seemed capable, even. Eyes that were so observant and wary, and could look into anyone. Boa did a much better job than him; it was obvious.

But, was that why Boa was getting punished? Or somehow went missing?

Norman got close enough, and one hand swept up to grab onto Theodore's collar. With one strong jerk, he pulled Theodore down just enough so that they face each other. Norman almost felt accomplished just from hearing a faint yelp from him. 

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