chapter 1 I'm sorry

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To my darling little Kirrie. At eight fifteen tomorrow morning your father and I are going to die. To you, we leave everything in both bank accounts and the house. We also leave Samantha to take care of and protect you. I know that because of your severe combined immunodeficiency that you can’t go outside. The house has the necessary precautions for you to live. I have written a letter to New York social services and it is on my desk in the library. When they come to pick you up, you must give this to them. I wish it didn’t have to be like this, I love you so much and I despise that you have to lose me and your father like this but there is no other way. Once a sere sees how they die, it is bound to come true.

P.s. Kirrie you must never forget to write your predictions down.

2005 May 3rd, 8:15 a.m. the car crashes and bursts into flames, there are no bodies, and there is zero chance of survival. Happens in Queens New York. This is the first prediction of the seer saw and recorded at the age of 4. There is no funeral, and the child within the house now belongs to the state and nothing can change the predicted future ahead. Social services can’t remove the child without the risk of her getting sick and dying. Samantha the nurse that had been helping before the parents died, will move into the house permanently in a weeks time.

The child is still in shock, sitting in the window. Her bright green eyes are blank as if the child had never lived, it is a look that no child her age should wear. The child's parents, Mr. and Ms. Velea were medical engineers. Trying to make hospitals better and easier to afford for families. The entire fortune from their medical breakthroughs and success went into the child's bank account. She would have a check in with social services every two months. There are no other living relatives to take care of the girl, so the child becomes the property of the State. By ten thirty, all the documents are signed. The cars leave the two-story house on Madason avenue at 11 a.m.

The child never leaves the window seat. Then the tears began, falling from the child's eyes. This was how she finds out that her nightmares are the future. The light brown hair falls in her face, it is in these moments she vows never to make a friend outside her house. No other human being would ever enter through the front door. The outside world was not for her or her gift they could live without her predictions as they had for the past 1,300 years ago.

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