Mario Data | Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Captain Picard walked down the curved hallway, crew members hurrying past on their various duties. As he walked around yet another curve he came face-to-face with a figure wearing blue overalls, a red shirt, white gloves, and a big red hat with an "M" on it. A bushy mustache sat below the figure's nose and big brown shoes covered its feet. "Data, what on Earth are you wearing?" asked Picard.

"Hello Captain. Recently, you told me I should explore my creative side, and try different things," said Data.

"That's true, but this?"

"I am attempting to embrace an old Earth video game character known as Mario, from a popular series of video games. I have even studied the appropriate vernacular. For instance, as Mario, here is my new catchphrase. It is me, Mario."

"I applaud your desire Data, but this isn't what I had in mind."

"Excuse me Captain, but I must now attempt to extract a coin from the ceiling." Data extended a fist above his head and jumped, crashing into the ceiling and going straight through, leaving a hole behind. "Warp zone," called Data through the hole.

"Data you're on duty in 30 minutes. I expect you to be back in proper uniform by then," said Captain Picard.

"Of course Captain."

Captain Picard shook his head and continued on his way.

The Turbolift door to the bridge slid open and Data walked through and crossed to one of the control consoles, sitting down.

Captain Picard grunted. "I see you changed back into your uniform Data, but you're still wearing the mustache and the hat."

Data swiveled in his chair. "Yes Captain. These items do not go against regulations and will not impede my performance."

"Very well," said Picard.

"Maybe I should wear a hat like that," said Commander Riker from beside Picard.

"That is a warrior's hat. I approve," said Worf, standing at the tactical station.

"Kerplop, Worf," said Data.

"That's not how you pronounce it, but I currently don't have enough spit to pronounce it properly," said Worf.

"Please inform me when you return to an optimum spit level so that you can demonstrate the pronunciation," said Data.

Worf nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2019 ⏰

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