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*sigh* Tameki gives his teacher a death stare as she passes around a 20 paged homework assignment to everyone. In the background, chitter-chatter is heard.
Tameki turns to face Cornelia and Ricin talking 'bout how much they love one another and as soon as he looked at them, he caught a glimpse of a...
"YOU!" Cornelia screamed as she threw her gigantic math book right in his face. As Cornelia took action, Ricin backed up slowly and sat down to avoid getting called out. Trust me, the teacher is everyone's worst nightmare.

"C-Cornelia! How disappointing of you, class president!" She pointed at Cornelia, and mumbled a little *sigh* along with the screaming,
"And YOU! 'What's your name?'" She screamed at Tameki and then went to a soft, lovely, and gentle question. This class is rough!

"T-Tameki...!" He replied, and ended up saluting to show his gratitude. He actually never had any sympathy for his teacher.

"You're new here right?"

"C-c-correct!" He answered, saluting again.

"SIT DOWN!" She pointed to Tameki's original seat and even pushed him. She must have some muscle because she pushed him there in just one touch! Class continued as Tameki took his seat and everyone started gradually working on their assignment, the teacher explaining some facts on the way.
Ring, ~bell continues~
As the lunch bell rang loud and clear, everyone (like a stampede) ran for the door. As a result, everyone except a few earned detention.

"EVERYONE EXCEPT TAMEKI, RICIN, SIRINA, AND RUKIO DESERVE DETENTION!" Well, as she spoke, no one was still in her class besides the ones who didn't get any detention.

Tameki's perspective

Teacher smiled at me as I quickly exited the classroom. As usual, this freaked me out. I am beginning to think this isn't just an ordinary school, but a perverted one! Everyone who attended that class, had someone to love on. By the way, I call this being "lovey dovey" with someone. All except me had kissed someones cheeky lips. Well, the guy in the back looked lonely.
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Tameki continued onto his perverted school day until it felt like time had stopped once he bumped into a girl.

Another *sigh* left Tameki's mouth as he entered his next class's classroom, waiting for the seventh, and last, period to start. Tameki continued to search for his binder full of the work and rules for this (history) class. He decided to head to his locker to get his binder. He started to run.

"Oww!" A high pitched girl squealed at the sight of laying on the ground, with another student (male) who has landed on top of her.

"Uhh..." Tameki didn't know what to say. He never did, when he was the center of attention. Both him and the girl's face turned bright red as she leaned in closer to him.
Everyone surrounding the two gasped at the sight of true love! True love at first sight!

"No! N-O! Ummm, no?!" Tameki exclaimed, though, he seemed to be blushing at the sight of a 'beautiful' women. He was worried. What was going to happen?
The girl's hair was brown, but she had a tint of an orange in it. Her eyes shimmered and were a bright Sky Blue. She was for sure, not flat as she kept on hitting on Tameki.

"Shirley?" A blond boy walked in, sighting another male student on top of his girlfriend. 

"Oh my, Prince!" She exclaimed as she reached out her pale hand.

"It, it's not what it looks like!" Tameki was definitely a cherry, or an apple, or maybe some type of red berry.
The Prince (Shirley called him that) shook his head in disbelief as he opened his arms to Shirley, but Shirley seemed to have found another lover, one at first sight.

"Sirius?" Prince called he stared into the doorway , awaiting for someone's arrival.

" Huh? Serious? Y-yes I'm Serious?!" Tameki misunderstood, "Umm, are you serious?"

"No! I am not Sirius!"

It looked like Tameki and the Prince were talking 'bout two different things. You see, The name Sirius is pronounced as 'serious'.

A boy with black hair and the cutest purple eyes appeared. As soon as he stepped a foot in this room, he had all the pretty girls running for him. But, there weren't really any girls since they were in class. CLASS!

Tameki's mind shot right at the classroom he was supposed to be in right now. The Prince has also let out a sigh as he left for his classes. Same with the Sirius guy.

Tameki sneakily enters class, dunking down below the level of the very short, brown desks. All the students didn't seem to have a clue that he was there.

"Tameki, take your seat." The man in front of the whole classroom said, grouchy.

"Umm, okay." He replied and took his seat, in the front, with the smallest of the smallest desks in the classroom.

Soon enough, the bell rang loudly and everyone, once again, ran for the door. None of the impatient student got detention, though.

Tameki started walking home, fast. All he had to do was cross the street. He continued to follow the crossing lines that cover it.
At an unknown presence, all of his paperwork drifted out of his hand. Then, a HONK was heard.
The truck couldn't stop as it was going to hit Tameki.
The driver kept on screaming to move, but Tameki couldn't hear a thing. At this moment, Tameki was at a state of shock and couldn't move...

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