A Fox Demigod?

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The truck wouldn't stop honking the horn at Tameki. And for Tameki, it was like he was paralyzed. He didn't take a step but insisted on moving towards the truck. Now, the big blue truck was just small feet away from him, moving fast.

"a-a girl?" Tameki finally snapped out of it as he realized a girl—with fox ears— as standing in front of his body with her arms spread out, covering Tameki's body fully. The truck, instead of hitting Tameki, struck a hard hit towards the young and beautiful fox girl, but didn't seem to land a mark on her. Instead, her powerful force pushed the truck feet forward and far away.
Tameki's mouth was wide open and was as surprised as the crowd who seemed to be fallen for her.
After she saved Tameki's life, she looked at the strangers surrounding the two, and ran. She grabbed Tameki's arm and dragged him with her.

"Hey!" Tameki started a conversation but made sure it was in an alley, away from the large crowd of surprised people. But Tameki was just as surprised as any of the others.

The fox girl stopped dragging him to ask a simple question, "What?"
She was blushing hard and couldn't even face Tameki face to face.
She was absolutely adorable and had the perfect amount of fluffy-ness that covered her ears. He thought.
All of this-what had just happened- covered his mind so much that he forgot to answer the question.
"Umm- What's your n-name?" He said, also blushing until his face actually became an apple.

Her face showed shock as she snatched his hand and answered but also adding something,
"T-tsuneko..." Tsuneko couldn't even finish her sentence before taking a look at him, laying on the ground.
Tameki first asks a quick question as he stood up, obviously taller than Tsuneko.
"Who are you?"

"I am Tsuneko!"

"I mean, who are you really?" Tameki put some deep thought in that question as he was waiting for a reply, but she refused to give one until a few seconds later.

"A- a Fox demigod." She shyly answered, thinking he would judge her, but he didn't. After she introduced herself, Tameki took a hold of her hand, causing both of their faces to become red. He directed her to his house, along the way, they stop for some crepes.

"Mhmm, these are sooo good!" Tsuneko comments, finishing her very last bite of her crepe.

"Right!" Tameki nodded his head and agreed with her as he stuffed the whole thing in his face. The man serving them waved, "Have a nice and wonderful day!" He said, as they walked of.

"Can we come back tomorrow?" Tameki was for sure that Tsuneko had the cutest voice in history.

"Sure!" Tameki meant to say yes, since 'yes' feels more formal than 'sure'. Tameki and Tsuneko start walking to Tameki's house and keep themselves busy by sharing real life incidents and memories.

As they reach and together enter Tameki's house, she comments on the rooms full with trash.
"How can a house get this messy?!?!"

"You don't have to be mean about it..." Tameki mumbles, Tsuneko couldn't hear a thing. But maybe it is for the better good.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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