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Warrior,leader and Deputy commands:
/(cat name) hunt with (cat name)(tag person)
/hunt alone (cat name)
/forage alone (cat name)
/go questing (cat name) (Tag person of NOT going alone)
/(cat name) become mates with (other cat name) (Tag person)
/(cat name) breed with (cat name) (Tag person)

Leader commands:
/rename (cat name) to (new name) (pm the cats owner first!)

Apprentice commands:
/(cat name) hunt with mentor (cat name) (Tag person)

Kit commands:
/(cat name) play with (cat name) (tag)

Queen commands:
/(cat name) scold (kit name) (tag)

Med cat commands:
/(cat name) forage alone
/(cat name forage with (cat name) (tag)
(Cat name) heal (cat name) (tag)

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