Beware of the Prosperity Gospel

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The above is a video by Exegetical Apologetics, featuring sermons by Paul Washer, John Piper & John MacArthur in rebuking the prosperity gospel.

While the false teachers are definitely at fault here, let us not forget that we could just as easily be deceived by the prosperity gospel. As Jeremiah 17:9 says, our hearts are deceitful above all things and desperately sick; they are so carnal, so endlessly filled with all kinds of depravity, and evil, and corruption, and deceit - and as a result, what the prosperity gospel offers could very likely also appeal to our carnal desires. 

Let us pray to our God & Father, and our Supreme, Omnipotent Lord Jesus Christ, to continually renew our minds & sanctify our hearts, souls & spirits, that our hearts and souls will not be taken in by these false, demonic teachings, but we will ferociously, passionately & aggressively hate & abhor all these sinful teachings as well as the sinful corruption of our hearts. Pray that God will continue to heal all our spiritual diseases and absolutely, and infinitely, destroy & extirpate all the remnants of moral filth & evil in our hearts & spiritual lives. 

We cannot do this by ourselves - only Christ Jesus - our Lord & God, our unswervingly just & infinitely loving God, who dwells in divine light so absolutely holy, & so unfathomably powerful & intense that no man can look upon His face and live - can sanctify us completely in body, mind, soul and spirit, before He comes again from heaven, with His powerful angels, in the incomprehensibly powerful & majestic flaming fire of His glory. So let us pray also with humility, knowing that we are weak & impotent in making ourselves holy, and that only God Himself can do it, and that all glory goes to Him. 

Lastly, remember that all our dreams & desires are but merely illusions & lies brought upon by the prosperity gospel. If we are in Christ Jesus, God is faithful and will bring us to His wonderful presence forever in glory, honour and peace.    

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