-nobody told me-

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Today is the day. He's going to see Louis again, finally for the first time in so long. To say Harry has been freaking out would be a massive understatement. He's shaking with nervousness. Though, he doesn't allow that to stop him, no matter how badly he wants to back out, he needs to try. He has to.

Anne, being the supportive mum she is, offers to drive Harry to Manchester, she just doesn't mention the part where they're meeting Jay. He has another talk with Niall, making sure Louis stays home after work, also to confirm he's still where Harry left him. It makes Harry feel all soft and warm inside to know Louis never left their home.

Louis doesn't get home untill around five or six in the afternoon so they decide to go to Manchester early to just enjoy the city that Harry hasn't seen for over a year. It's a long drive but they make it by eight am, deciding to eat breakfast at a cafe.

They easily get settled at a table, Anne finally asking him about Louis after they order. "Do you know what you're going to tell him?" She asks, looking genuinely curious of his answer. Harry hadn't really put a whole lot of thought into what he was going to say, if he's being honest l, the boy was just going to tell Louis he'd remember him. So that's exactly what he tells his mum. "I was just going to tell him I remember him." He answers simply, not having the energy to voice his thoughts.

Anne hums in understanding. "How much do you remember exactly?" She asks next, and ah, Harry had been waiting for her to ask. "How am I supposed to know if I don't know how much there is to remember?" He asks back. Anne snorts amusingly, "well I can see you remember enough to pick back up on the sass that's rubbed off on you" Harry laughs at that, understanding what she means. He can remember how good Louis was at throwing out remarks and insults, they'd come out instantly  without thought, never failing to surprise those who heard him.

He remembers Louis being such a social person, making friends with everyone and always being the life of the party. It makes Harry smile, loving the thought of getting that back. He thinks one of his favorite memories so far was the first day of college.

Louis sits on Harry's dorm bed while the boy himself talks to a lad who offered to show him around, Tyler. "Yeah i'm taking classes to be a surgeon." Harry says, discussing their schedules. "Ah, you look like a footie player, with those legs I mean." Tyler says, smiling like he's just said something genius. Louis looks up at that but doesn't say anything from the bed, just gives the Tyler boy a glare that he stays oblivious to.

"I'm actually really bad at sports" Harry responds, trying to stay friendly while also trying to hint at the boy that he isn't interested. Tyler, because he's an idiot, doesn't take the hint. "I bet your arse would look good in shorts" he says, getting confident. Louis stands up this time and wraps an arm around Harry's waist. Harry smiles, seeing Tyler's face pale at Louis' intimidating appearance.

"Oh, Tyler, have I introduced you to my boyfriend? Louis, Tyler. Tyler, Louis" Harry says, gesturing to the boy's when he says their names. "U-uh, nice to meet y-you" he says, holding a visibly shaking hand out. Louis shakes it firmly, firm enough to make the boy wince slightly. "Nice to meet you, though I'd love it if you didn't flirt with my boyfriend." Louis says, smiling daringly. "Y-yeah, im sorry about that, didn't know he was taken" the boy stutters out, slowly inching his way to the door. "Nice meeting you Tyler, I'll have to pass on you showing me around though." Harry says, declining the boy's previous offer.

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