Chapter Six

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“Joseph, have you ever worn a suit?”

“What? Yes of course I have.”

“Have you ever been comfortable in such attire?”

                He followed this beautiful woman as she led him through the wonderful landscape. His bare feet walked upon water-smoothed pebbles and all around him was lush greenery that looked more healthy than a plump newborn. “I can’t say that I have to be honest. The collars choke me.”

“Interesting. Then I will have to custom make your new suit.”


                He grumbled. He didn’t want a suit and didn’t really understand what she was saying.

“Do you live here?” He asked.

“I dwell here, yes.”

“On your own?”

“I prefer the solitude. I have gifts I do not want to burden others with.”


                He wasn’t a man of words so he simply stayed silent at the end of that sentence. He looked down at his attire. Fighting naked meant that he had no clothing on him so this woman had provided him with some. A simple open shirt and trousers covered him. He didn’t mind this shirt, though he preferred the tunics he usually wore when he was not fighting or courting women from high society. His tunics were loose fitted and open for about two inches at the neck. He detested shirts ironed until stiff and buttoned until it lay on the base of his throat and irritated him.

                The sleeves of his tunics held tight to his arm, moving with him and not getting in his way. Shirt sleeves always dangled and were baggy and got caught on everything that was around. They were cumbersome. “I already have an idea for a shirt for you.”

“I don’t want to wear a shirt.”

“You will have to.”


                He wasn’t wearing one of those things unless he was going to be in human society again. He didn’t like them. He didn’t see what she was talking about.

“Don’t act like a child, accept it and deal with it.” Came the reply to his question. He scowled.

“I don’t like baggy clothes. It isn’t practical. They get in the way of everything and imagine if I was attacked, I would have to brush them out of my way before I can defend myself.”

“Always on alert.” She mumbled under her breath dipping low to avoid a low hanging branch. Stuck in his bitter moaning Joseph didn’t see the branch and face palmed it. “Besides Joseph, do you want to impress that lovely lady? I’m sure I can create something for you that would be simply breath-taking for her to see you in.”

                His ears perked up. “Such as?”

“I’m thinking, you’ll see when I have the design fully worked out. Now then do you want to eat?” Infront of them was a long wooden table laid with lots and lots of food. It literally overflowed with meats and cheeses. Wine was held in a clear pitcher in the middle of the table and tall crystal glasses with long stems to hold were lined all around the table.

“How many are dinning here?”

“I said that I dwelt here alone but I do have guests at times. My kin have come to greet you today.”


“Yes. There was a council not long ago. We desired a solution and you were the name that ended our debate.”

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