chapter 1 siblings always share

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3rd pov

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3rd pov

"Sam...Julia gets up we need to go!" The window curtains opened yet the sleeping girl wouldn't wake
"Yo Julia come on were going to get our first car today hurry up, we're gonna be late for class now get up and change" groaning Julia rolled out of the comfort of her bed and showers for the day ahead of her

She brushed her fire red hair and put on a hoodie and flats her eyes glowed a blue-green and lips pink and plump, Julia at the time could make herself stand out so much but today was a relax and go with the flow kinda feel

she was off running down the stairs and pretty much jumped into the car as if no doors existed

Julia's Pov
Running outside to jump into the car and we were off
"You take forever" Sam commented I rolled my eyes in return "so what I need to look nice at least"a snort came from him earning a punch
" ow...*mumble"
"You wanna say that again!" I was the more
'manliest' of the siblings he was such a baby and I'm the younger one of us, it kinda scares me
"I said your a bitch" punching him again I responded with a laugh
"You bet" we both burst into giggles "you too, calm down or you won't get the car" we instantly shut up not wanting to upset mom she's the boss of the house and what she says goes and right now that car was out the doorway to not being utter losers

We pulled up to the school quickly hopping out
"now, your father and I hope to see 3, 3 A's from the both of you got that " she made shivers run down my back today was when we get our report cards and shes expecting high
"Yes mom," Sam and I said in unison

Time skip coz fu*k it

"Umm, Sam... Your speech sucked and don't, just don't, try to sell anything" I patted his shoulder and walked out the room

Leaving Sam to attempt to get an A or convince the teacher to give him an A our lives were depending on this if he fucks this up I ain't forgiving that bastard

Running outside Sam had bumped into a person a dude more like it
"Oh for the love of lord Sam" I mumbled to myself

"Oi watch where you're going fuckin retard" I recognise the guy Sam bumped into it was Mikaela's boyfriend Trent 'oh my lord' I hated him since year 4 when he made fun of my braces and glasses

watching Sam stumble his way to the car our dad began to get the teens excited

"Dad are you kidding me, dad, dad" I kept my mouth shut knowing that my fathers a real big prankster, aka a prick, and he wouldn't go for the amazing expensive car's first

"Wait wait! No! NO!!" The laughter was real I giggled at my brother's reaction but that little smile turned down when I saw the 'range' of 'good quality' cars there where

they were all shit

Julia's Pov

The expectations dropped as I saw all these ugly and shitty cars
'I had the bar low an all but really this just drops it to the floor come on dad, we could have done better than this' we pulled into the dealership and I noticed a creepy looking clown holding a sign
He kinda looked sunburned but what do I care clowns can burn in hell

I Loved And Lost But Shall Love Again, bumblebee x readerWhere stories live. Discover now