Chapter 2: the academy

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Xylene's pov
When I'm in school I already hear the shouts of the students, You know my group is very popular in this school especially me. I park my car in the parking area and get out.

"Oh my God xylene is here....she really looks like a goddess!!"- girl

"I know right!!!ahhhh"- girl

"Ahhhh xylene your so beautiful!!"-girl

"Marry me xylene!!!"-boy

"No!!! Xylene will marry me!!!"-boy

"No she isn't!!!"- boy

"Yes she is!!!"-boy

"Shut up all of you or I'll make you!", I shout at them because they are so very annoying and noisy, I'm in a very bad mood now because I didn't have breakfast because of that bitch.

"Make me xylene!!!ahhhh"- girl

"Xylene your so cute like a bunny when your angry!!!"-boy

" Yeah!!she is so cute"-girl

"REALLY!!??",I asked at them while smiling. My bad mood is now gone because of what he said, I really LOVE bunnies...

"O!M!G! She is really look like a goddess..ahhhh!!!!"-girl

" Yeah!!!you really look like a cute bunny when angry...",-boy

"Thank you very much everyone!! and sorry if I shout at you all sorry..hehehehe!!", I said at them while rubbing my neck sheepishly while smiling..hehehe.

" It's ok xylene we forgive you!!!"-girl

"Yeah!!"-boys and girls

" Thank you everyone but we need to go now to our classes or we're going to be late..bye bye everyone (mwah😘)", I said at them while running to my room.

When I'm infront of my classroom i saw my gangmates especially  the girl who I want to torture and the one who disturb my breakfast with her VERY acceptable reason..hehehe and the person's name is "LILY". I smile sweetly while having a dark aura surrounding me when I enter the classroom.

" to have a GOOD morning??",while stepping towards her. My gangmates especially lily is scared to death that they will poop in to in their pants any minute..hahahaha

"Um-um-....y-ye-yeah...h-how i-i-is yo-your m-mo-mor-morning?" Lily said while stuttering.

"I'm glad you ask lily because I have a very BAD..or should I say worse than worse morning because a girl call me in the middle of breakfast and have a very REASONABLE reason..hehehe."I said while going to my sit.

"O-ohhh..w-who i-i-is tha-that gi-girl I wi-will beat he-her",lily said hahaha...

"Ohh..really lily, THANK you very much lily for your CONCERN but no thank you I will handle this problem.. hehehe and I will gonna give her a LITTLE punishment...hehehe" I said while sweetly smiling..when she was gonna talk the teacher go into the classroom so I sit on my chair while having a sweet smile on my face...hahahaha just wait lily..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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