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It's something that I've been doing for years. I'll occasionally stop at a village, a town, or sometimes a large farm, and set up a sleeping bag high in a tree. It's really the same routine. 

Walk, take in the sights. I would say 'same old pond' or 'same old trees' but each piece of scenery is unique in its own, absolutely beautiful. 

Once it reaches sunset, I watch it, someplace high before climbing down for a dinner over a fire before then squeezing myself between two tree branches for sleep. 

It's been like this for as long as I can remember. Sounds ridiculous, but the life is decent. Well, it was. It was until that very day that everything changed. 

Dramatic pause. 

I was sleeping, this was some time in the south, around spring. I had heard a bit of rustling below me but brushed it off as forest neighbors. That was until I heard a soft melody. I finally decided to sit up and examine my surroundings. There sat a man, sitting in front of a tent, warming himself by a fire with a harmonica against his lips. The music was kind, welcoming, and I'm surprised it woke me up instead of putting me in an even deeper sleep. 

As I was about to say something, the man's signature hat poked from his tent. Green. The man sat in a white tank, and a simple pair of green pants, obviously about to enter his tent for the night. But that hat looked so familiar, or at least sounded familiar. I've heard stories of a man with a smoking pipe, green hat, and harmonica. But I thought they were just joking to scare me, I would never believe you if you told me I was to sleep right above his camp. 

I snuggled myself back up, deciding I would get down once the man left. He kicked some dirt over the flame and then crawled into his tent. I let out a small sigh, one that I didn't even know I was holding, causing me to sink deeper into my pad. That's when I heard it, the slow sound of the branch breaking. I felt my heart beat against my rib cage. Shit, shit, shit, this is not happening. Moving to get off the branch, was a terrible mistake for it only caused the branch to snap more, making it jolt downward. 

I covered my mouth, actually feeling the fear course through me. This was not happening. One little movement, the branch then fully snapped causing me to fall out. I kept my mouth covered, knowing that screaming will only alert the man. It was too late, I fell right into his arms, my blanket falling over me. It covered my face, and I was honestly too scared to remove it. There was a pause before a voice was heard, 

"Are... You okay?" He asked. God, his voice. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. He smelled like dirt and rainwater, but in a surprisingly good way. My heart raced faster and before I knew it, he was shifting me onto my feet. I kept the blanket in place, not wanting him to see what I looked like, nor wanting to see him.

"Y-yes. Thank you." I nodded my head before turning to walk away. Surprisingly, he didn't stop me. Didn't ask for my name, just let me walk away. 

I knocked myself into a tree, the impact caused me to fall backward, straight onto my ass. I ripped off the blanket, pretty frustrated with how this night was going. 

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked. I turned around, 

"Look, I'm fine-" 

I stopped. He stood with his hair practically everywhere, a total bed head, his eyes looked at me with curiosity, but yet a lack of care. His lips were chapped, and his skin tan, as if he had never experienced a single winter. The moonlight shone down on him perfectly. I felt my insides twist. 

"I'm fine." I finished before turning to grab my blanket and bag. 

"Why was your slumber in a tree?" He questioned. I turned, debating on whether or not if I wanted to start a conversation with this guy. 

"I prefer to stay off the ground when I sleep," I replied. "Just safety." 

He nodded with a soft smile. 

"Well, goodnight." He finally finished and turned around back to his tent. 

"Goodnight," I answered. 

Now, I either travel until daytime with small naps, or I quickly find another tree and go back to sleep. I signed, looking to the tree I smashed into and deciding this would be fine. I strapped myself to the branch this time with a rope, getting myself comfortable. 

I closed my eyes, finding sleep impossible. So I began humming, followed by whistling. Sleeping when I want to is impossible. I stopped, closing my eyes for sleep. 

But then the music started from the tent. A small smile crept across my face as I hummed and stopped. He played his music, then stopped. I hummed. It went back and forth until the song was finished. And that put me to sleep. 


He packed everything in his bag, before throwing it on his back. He looked much different in daylight, but he was also fully dressed now. He placed a pipe to his lips and began walking. 

I didn't stop myself as I said, 

"Smoking kills." 

He looked up the tree until his eyes landed on me. He smiled gently.

"Yeah, it does." He simply said before continuing to walk. 

"Wow, ignored." 

"I didn't ignore you, you choose not to listen." 

I untied myself before slipping from the tree. I then began packing my stuff, and surprisingly, he stopped and waited. 

"What's your name?" I asked. He turned to me before tipping his hat, 

"Snufkin." He said, taking a puff. "What's yours?" He asked. 

I stuffed my hands in my pockets, tilting my head slightly, 


"That's pretty." He smiled. 

"Funny," I answered. 

"Alright, if you say so." 

I laughed gently, he gave a small chuckle. 

"Why are you this far in the south?" I asked. 

"I just enjoy a small stroll before I go back to Moominville." 

"Wow, is moominville that nice?" 

He smiled widely, "My friends live there." 

(1061 words)

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