I recently saw a video of an interview with Christopher Hitchens in which he laid out a few things he regretted he would live to see. He had at this point been diagnosed with terminal cancer and it made me think about some of the historical events I hope will transpire while i'm still alive. Some of these will be more likely then others some more distant than others but i'm deliberately including things I think may be accomplished and I can strive to aid during my lifetime. Hence you won't see the collapse of the capitalist system and the establishment of a united socialist world run on classical libertarian principles. As I think I would have to be enormously lucky to live long enough to see this event barring some kind of cure for death being discovered.
-The establishment of an independent Palestinian state living peacefully side by side with Israel hopefully with the long term aim of a democratic bi-national state.
-Full Kurdish autonomy being granted in modern day Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran based on the democratic confederalism of Abdullah Ocalan.
-The breakup of the house of Saudi Mafioso family.
- The United States joining the modern world in creating a system of universal healthcare.
- An Islamic Reformation on the scale of the enlightenment bringing the Muslim world into the modern world in terms of secularism, women's rights, LGBT rights ect.
-Campaign finance reform in the United States starting with the repeal of citizens united.
-Removal of the constant needless danger of nuclear warfare through unilateral disarmament.
-Aversion of climate change disaster through massive investment in renewable energy.
-An end to the view of Henry Kissinger (and others like him) as a grand statesmen rather than a bloody psychopath starting with the revocation of his noble prize. (I've given up hope he will face trial whilst he's alive.)
-An end to the horrific drug war that has destroyed millions of lives to no effect.
-The collapse of the US empire.
-Collapse of the control of the ayatollahs in Iran carried out by the people of Iran.
-The abolition of the CIA, FBI, NSA and ICE and the prosecution of their leadership.
-Mandatory worker representation on corporate boards in all major companies.
-Internal overthrow of the North Korean government and reunification of Korea.
-Reform of the UN including the removal of the veto powers of US, Russia, China, France and the UK.
-Prosecution of CEO's responsible for war crimes E.G coca-cola trade unionist murders.
So there you go some things I'd like to see happen in the world before my inevitable death I might go back and ad some later. If any of these happen in the near future I may create a celebratory post.
Stray thoughts
Non-FictionBased on Orwell columns series though I can only aspire to his standard of writing. A collection of my thoughts on a wide range of social, economic and political issues written based on whatever i'm currently thinking about. Likely to vary in length...