Is love a cult?

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So me and Harry and Robin decided to go outside, knowing that it was the nicest day. We needed to clear our minds off of these stupid teachers we faced today. Besides, we locked the doors so just in case any more random talking objects come to torture us, there would be NO WAY they'd be able to get out.
We packed ourselves some lunch since Robin knew how to cook. We packed some boiled eggs and chicken. But one thing bothered me. Why would Robin, a duck himself, ever pack chicken, his very own species? But I didn't ask him that because it'd be rude AND make him feel uncomfortable.
I thought that Robin would actually cook or either grill the chicken. It was all uncooked after all! But instead of cooking/grilling the chicken like normal, they said that they were going to eat the chicken uncooked. Maybe that's how the species of birds ate their food but Harry? WHY in the world would he ever eat something uncooked. I KNOW he's not a normal human like me but at the same time, he's not an animal!
But I didn't ask Harry because of the same reason why I didn't ask Robin why he ate his own species.
This place was full of pretty butterflies. And plus, I'm addicted to butterflies. They are the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen in my life! Then all of a sudden, a butterfly came over to our picnic spot. I got very excited because it was probably the most prettiest butterfly I've ever seen! Robin then looked furious. Robin then took out a bug whacker. I looked confused. Was he going to hit the butterfly or the ants that were literally 10 feet away?
Then he shouted, "PESKY BEE!!!!"
He then whacked the butterfly I admired. I was shocked. Why would he treat nature like this? Then, an emotional wave cake over me. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I was sensitive. Anyway, back to the subject. I started to get emotional. Then I bawled my eyes out for just a few seconds and ran away from our picnic spot.
As I ran away, I didn't go as far. I found a tree that was closest but pretty far from our picnic spot and climbed up the tree and sat down on it. I liked going on top of trees because just in case I get emotional, there'd be a certain branch that I can properly sit on and calm myself down. Besides, this was the absolute perfect time for sitting down on a stable branch of a tree.
All of a sudden, I saw another butterfly. Though it didn't look like one. It was way too big for its size. It looked like a little baby pigeon. It came over to me and started asking if he didn't mind if he sat down with me for a while. But then, just as I was about to get off of the branch, the butterfly grabbed onto my arm and led me to what he called Love Land. This was all so ridiculous. First off, I sat down to forget about those stupid talking objects and the death of the butterfly from about 2 minutes ago and now I have to deal with this.
He started singing to me about what live really was to a certain religion being followed. Then the other people of Love Land started singing of who's made for who and how it's all this love is protected with a ring. Then, they led me to their kings palace and told me his name which was Malcolm. They told me how he decided who can be someone's special one.
Then all of a sudden, when i soon realized that this was cult, I woke up from the weird dream I had while sitting out that branch. But this dream seemed so real. Guess my sleepy self is going to have to sleep earlier than Harry and Robin.
Speaking of Harry and Robin, I suddenly saw them on their way towards the tree I was sitting on. They had something on a tiny plate. I guess it was one of boiled eggs we brought with us to eat on the picnic.
"Here we saved you the last boiled egg!" said Robin. I was very grateful and so I said,
"For me?"
Then Harry said, " We made it because we love you!"
Then, just as I was about to say thanks, I heard the egg crack. Suddenly, a bug came out saying, "FATHER!!!"
Well, I'm never eating a boiled egg ever again.

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