It's a Planchette

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The air was hot and sticky from the rain. The clock on their watches and phones show the time, three forty-one in the morning. Not only did the ghost hunting boys decide to lay their sleeping bags onto the cold, hard, disgusting floor, but they had also decided to use the ouija board before bed.

 What a stupid idea that was.

"Alright Shane," the smaller man, Ryan Bergara said to his co-host, Shane Madej, "put your two index fingers on the planchette-"

"Planchette?" Shane wheezed.

"Planchette-Yes, that's what it's called." Ryan's eye twitched in aggravation. 'The audacity this long legged man had to not believe in the supernatural,' he thought to himself.

The tall man grinned, knowing he was getting under Ryan's skin. 

 "Anyway," Ryan continued as he glanced at the tripod, for the camera crew had went home. The rain was too vicious to drive in that night. The two boys would choose to stay the night in the so-called 'haunted manor,' " we have to call out to them. T-the spirits.."

Shane places his fingers on the tiny, plastic object and looked into Ryan's eyes. Shane had a look on his face that asked, 'what now?' 

"Now," Ryan took a breath to prepare himself for whatever spirits were lurking in the shadows, " If there are any spirits here with us in this room, could you give us a sign that you want to communicate. You can do anything from turn off a light, to knock something over-"

"or you could reach into either of our chests and pull out our souls!" Shane mocked the...'ghosts'

Ryan shrieked, "What the fuck?!" A visible smirk appeared on Shane's face.

Ryan shook his head, took a shaky breath, and continued. "You can move this planchette," a muffled snort came from Shane, earning a glare from Ryan, "Can you spell out your name, or one of our names?"

" Just to clarify, my name is Ryan and the tall man is Shane" At that moment, what seemed to be a faint collection of footsteps barreling towards them. "Did you hear that?"

"Sounded like footsteps" Shane replied. " Spirit? Is that you? SHOW YOURSELF COWARD" He laughed like a maniac as if no supernatural presence could hurt him.

 Ryan was starting to believe Shane when he said he was ' demon proof.'

"Shane, stop! The-the...the planchette..shit, it's moving." Ryan felt a strange chill. Something here was very unsettling to Ryan. 

First. The plastic object moved to "S"

Ryan repeated every letter that it landed on. Next, it landed on "H". Then it landed on " A" 

Shane was starting to sweat. He didn't like what was happening. He had a feeling that he knew what was being spelled. Shane tried to keep his cool and wanted nothing more than to stop the game, but if he stopped playing, Ryan might get suspicious. 

"N"...."E"..."Shane! It spelled out Shane!" Ryan yelled out, an excited look still lingering on his face. A bead of sweat made its way down Shane's face.

"I"...."S".... "A"

"," Ryan pieced the letters together, biting his bottom lip in anticipation. Although he was anxious, he was also very frightened, so much so that he felt the need to shit his pants. 

The sight of Ryan Bergara biting his lip was a sight that could not be ignored by the tall man who happened to be staring. Practically drooling over the shorter man. But this couldn't be thought of at the moment, the spirit in the room was about to share something that no one should know. 

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