The Scent of his Sweatshirt

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It's been two days since Ryan Bergara found out that the person whom he'd been friends with for years is a real life-no joke-demon from hell.

It took a slap and a pinch to believe that he wasn't dreaming. Ryan has once told Shane to punch him, just to be sure, Shane had given him a funny look and walked away.

Ryan, who had been spending the night at Shane's while his house was being cleaned walked into Shane's room without knocking.

" Shane can I borrow a hoodie, mine are all-" he caught a glimpse of a straight-out-of-the-shower, towel barley on, soaking wet Shane. "..dirty"

Ryan hasn't realized he was staring until the taller man said something. " Huh?" Ryan breathed in a quiet voice.

" I said there's a hoodie in my closet," Shane said pointing to his closet door with one of the hands holding the towel. It dipped to the point where you could see the trail of light brown hair trailing down from his belly button. " It's a dark green one, I think."

Shane finally noticed the other man's face, tinting pink from ear to ear. " You okay buddy?" Shane followed the shorter man's eyes, leading him to the towel begging to fall from his hips.

When Shane looked back up, he met the gaze of the blushing man.

Ryan immediately regretting the action and looking away towards the closet. " Y-yep, just fine." He stuttered feeling his pants grow quite tight.

He speed walked to the closet, averting his eyes from the grinning man.

Ryan quickly grabbed the sweatshirt after fumbling with the hanger for a minute or two and trotted back into the living room. Sliding the sweatshirt on, he took a whiff of the clothing. Then a deep inhale. Smelling the mix of cologne and..something else.

He couldn't tell what it was.

Ryan fell back onto the couch, the hoodie barley over his chest, resting on his face.

Ryan felt his eyes getting droopy. He yawned and felt his head hit the soft pillow.

He tried to get a mental image of what he had just seen...A glimpse of the taller man and his wet, dripping hair. The way his towel could barley hold on to his thin hips. The quick glance of his large-

Ryan fell asleep, a faint smile planted on his face.

Shane's POV:

I walked out of my bathroom to see that Ryan had already gone back into the living room. I decided it'd be best to get into some day clothes. There was no rush since I wasn't working today.

Opening my closet door, I noticed the hanger with the missing hoodie. To the side of it , my red flannel button up. I threw on some old, black pants and some cologne, got a quick whiff of my armpits and grinned feeling refreshed and sexy.

As I walked out of my room, the door creaking slightly when I open it, I notice that Ryan is on the couch. Asleep.

I walk up to him and crouch near his face. " Guess you were too tired to even put it on all the way" I whispered to myself.

I grabbed hold of the hoodie and brought it down over his head. It looked so big on him. It went all the way down to his knees, his hands engulfed in the sweatshirt's arms.

I smiled noticing how cute he looked like this.

My eyes traveled down to his lips, they're sweet olive color making me squirm on my two crouched legs.

I got closer to him, and although I was scare that he would wake up, I moved in closer and closer. Our faces practically inches away. I honestly don't know what came over me that made me want to kiss him. But I did.

I pressed our lips together. Enjoying all two seconds of it, I wanted it to be longer. I just needed to know how he tasted. How those soft lips would feel against mine. God, there are so many other things I wish I could do with him. But what if he doesn't feel the same.

What if he's scared to be with a demon like me..What if-

Just as my final thoughts were exiting my head, he woke up.

Although I had already separated my lips from his, I could still feel the tingle of our kiss. He couldn't know that though. Ryan would be furious if he'd known I kissed him in his sleep like some cursed princess.

He looked at me. I looked at him.

" What are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing, what are you doing" I said as casually as I could, yet a nervous voice crack escaped my mouth.

" I was sleeping and you're.." He looked me up and down suspiciously, " watching me sleep like a weirdo"

" I wasn't watching you sleep."

" Then what were you doing, because if your trying to eat my soul, then remember that I've got holy water in my pocket" he retorted looking annoyed.

" I..Well why the heck were you sleeping with my sweatshirt over your head like a psychopath? Hm?" I asked.

He blushed madly and I had wondered for a second why.

"I'm hungry, do you want pizza? I want pizza? What kind of pizza? Maybe cheese maybe pepperoni. Man, there are so many different types of topping!" Ryan quickly changed the subject.

'There's a reason we're called shaniacs' I thought to myself, ' it's because we're skeptical.. and Ryan's being shady as hell'

Nobody's POV:

Ryan wondered why Shane was watching him sleep. It's so creepy of him, of anyone really. But, when he brought up the sweatshirt in their banter, Ryan didn't know what to say. What do you say to your bestfriend when you have a crush on him?

' oh yeah, I was just sniffing your sweater because it smells like your cologne and-"

Ryan had realized what the second smell was. After Shane had been so close to him, he had gotten a whiff of something. It was just Shane. His natural " manly musk". The simple thought of being close to Shane and being able to take in his scent made Ryan's face light up bright red from ear to ear.

He plopped back down on the couch helplessly as he watched the taller man make some coffee in the kitchen.

Ryan couldn't believe it. He needed to say it aloud as if it would mean something more. He shut his eyes and sighed when he finally whispered to himself,

" I'm in love with Shane."

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