Playlist Live Day 1

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Tyler finishes unpacking his clothes in the closet of his Florida hotel room. He sinks onto the bed and pulls out his laptop. He opens up tumblr and checks his tag, remembering how Troye always teases him about constantly checking his tag, calling him "extremely self obsessed".

Tyler smiles to himself and continues scrolling. He comes across an edit of him and Troye. He looks at it almost sadly, wishing that he and Troye could, well, become more than friends. He still hadn't forgotten what Troye's lips had felt like, pressed against his at Playlist the year before. He picked up the phone, and called Troye. Troye picked up after the second ring.

"Troye, hey!"

Troye feels his heart flip over when he heard Tyler's voice.

"Tyler, how are you?"

"Bored as fuck. Come over and we can scroll through tumblr together. I'm in room two-oh-three. "

"See you in a bit."

A few minutes later Tyler hears a knocking at his door.

"Hey, it me!" He hears Troye's voice calling out. "Come on in!" Tyler says swinging the door open.

They settle down together, Tyler stretching out on the bed, as Troye curls up in a chair next to a window.

They scroll though their dashboards and chat for a while, Troye glancing at Tyler during lulls in the conversation, Tyler staring at Troye when he was sure Troye wasn't looking.

"We should get some dinner. It's getting late." Troye suggests.

"Yeah" Tyler agrees.

Neither of them move.

The conversation comes to another pause.

Troye stares at Tyler.

Tyler stares at Troye.

Neither of them stare at eachother at the same time.

It gets later.

It gets darker.

They fall asleep.

Tyler blearily opens his eyes. He's confused. Why is it dark? Why does he hear soft snoring? Oh yeah. Troye. But why the fuck does his clock say 3 am? He rolls over and sees Troye sprawled in the chair, his face set aglow by moonlight.

"He looks so beautiful like that." Tyler thinks. He pads over and reaches towards Troye, his fingers almost unconsciously stroking the younger boy's hair.

Troye wakes, blinking sleepily, and looking up into Tyler's face. "He looks so adorable half asleep" Troye thinks. "It's late, we fell asleep" Tyler murmurs. "Yeah I should go. " Troye says, rising. "Aack!" He squeaks, clapping a hand to his neck. "Neck cramp. Neck cramp!"

"Aww poor baby." Tyler teases. "Stay here tonight." "Where?" Troye asks. Tyler pats the bed next to him. Troye's heart beats faster but he doesn't let on. "Oh..yeah..of course."

After Tyler thinks that Troye is asleep and Troye thinks that Tyler is asleep they both think to themselves "I really do love him. I just wished he loved me." Over the course of the night, they unconsciously inch closer together until Troye is curled up in the curve of Tyler's body.

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