Playlist Live Day 2-Morning

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In the morning they're awakened by a a loud rapping at Tyler's door.

"Tyler? Get up! We're going to be late for the lgbtap panel, and were giving the Brits a ride to...well, whatever panel they're doing this year!" Hannah shouts.

"Jesus! We're up!" Tyler yells back, groping blindly for his glasses as Troye wakes with a start.

"We? " Dan Howell mutters to Hannah, as well as his group of British youtubers, including Zoe and Alfie, Louise, Marcus and his best friend/boy friend Phil, "I dunno" Zoe shrugs.

Meanwhile, Tyler is getting dressed in a frenzy and making sure he has everything while Troye frets about needing "to go back to his room and change". "Troye there's no time!" Tyler says urgently. "Here; these should fit!" He tossed Troye an orange plaid button up shirt and a pair of greyish skinny jeans.

Five minutes later they're both dressed and rushing out the door where their friends wait impatiently.

"What's that I hear?" Dan asks. "Could it be Troyler? Being canon??"

"What were you to doing in there, eh?" Alfie asks, grinning, and Zoe elbows him, but she's smiling too.

"Hush, you lot," Louise says, handing Troye and Tyler each a roll. "I brought you two breakfast, acos we won't have time to stop on the way."

"Thanks Louise." Troye mutters, embarrassed by the attention. "You're such a good mum. Darcy's quite lucky."

"I told you Troyler was real", Dan murmurs to Phil.

Tyler and Troye eat their sweet rolls on the way the car Hannah rented.

Troye 'inconspicuously' glances over at Tyler, but Marcus notices and laughs. Troye sees Tyler turning redder and redder at their friends teasing.

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