Because of Me

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You and Freddie are drive back to his flat, he picks you up out of the car while you struggle as much as you possibly could. He walks to the bedroom and drops you on the bed, he gets on top of you and kisses you roughly, you keep attempting to break away, but he holds you in place while his sticks his tongue in your mouth. You gag and bite down on his tongue which has no effect, he breaks away and smirks, "naughty girl."

Saliva drips down your chin as you try and back away from Freddie, "this is wrong and you know it! I was going to help you, but now this is just too much for me..." you cry.

He chuckles, "darling," he lifts your chin up, "this is necessary because I found out one thing. I'm not upset with Rog, I'm upset at you for lying to me. This is for your own good, dear."

"I lied for your own good so you wouldn't go on a killing spree!" you push him away, but he grabs you immediately.

He chuckles again, "This is your fault, darling." You stop struggling for a moment and stare into his eyes, he's right, he's lost all trust for you because you keep covering for Roger. "Stay with me, dear," he whispers into your ear, "make it simple for the both of us."

Tears stream down your face, you grab Freddie's ring off your finger and throw it across the room, "we're finished, Freddie."

His eyes turn to a glare as he pushes you onto the bed, "we're not finished until I say so, darling."

These words ring through your ears, "let go of me, damn it!" you thrash around, "what about the band!? What about you becoming a legend one day!? You want to throw that all away because of some goddamn lies!? I'll stay with you if you stop this shit, Farrokh! I mean it!"

He stares through you, "I'd give up anything for you."

"You're ruining everything just because you're insecure," you take in a deep breath, "let's start over again.. please Freddie.." You grab your phone and show him the video of you two goofing around, "this is the you I love, not whoever this is in front of me right now." He stares at the video and begins to tear up, "let me guide you, like you said.."

He wipes his tears away and hugs you tightly, "why do I keep doing this, darling..?"

You exhale deeply, "because of me.."

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