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  "Don't worry hyung, I won't leave you."

Jimin woke up alone in bed, remembering the events of last night. Blushing furiously, he groaned frustration.

"Shit." He cursed, running a hand through his hair.

"You know what. Fuck you Jungkook. Fuck this. Fuck everything." He sighs, falling back on his bed.

"Fuck what, Jiminie?" Yoongi said out of no where. 

"Fuck! Hyung don't do that. Now I'm shaking." He huffed.

"'Cause you thought I was Jungkook or something, right?" He smirked.

"Shut up." He sighs.

"Good to have you back, kid." Yoon smiled.

"'M not fully back yet, yoon. I can fucking choke on these things at anytime and die." He deadpanned.

"Yeah. Whatever. Better get cpr lesson aye." He laughs.

"Yeah you should. Or Jungkook should lmao wait I'm kidding." Jimin chuckled.

"I'm telling Jungkook. Hehe."

"Wait fuck no. I don't even think there are cpr lessons are there?" He questioned.

"Not to be an asshole. But we're idols dude. We cab have lessons for anything." He grinned.

"Asshole." Jimin growled, throwing a pillow at him.

" sucks for you it doesn't hurt." Yoongi gloated.

"Shut up or I'm screaming for tae." Jimin said darkly.

Yoongi turned pale almost immediately even though he was already pale.

"Good." He smirked.

"What's going on?" Jungkook entered the room.

"N-nothing-" he started coughing. Yoongi's eyes widened, he rushed to Jimin's side and covered him with his blanket.

"Hyung, are you okay?! Yoongi hyung what are you doing?!" He sounded angry.

"Y-you don't want to get sick, you know?" Yoongi stuttered.

Jimin was still coughing, and Jungkook was really getting worried. Then a cute cat sneeze sounded through Jimin's room.

Jungkook went closer and pulled the sheet off of Jimin and saw him holding white rose petals.

"Um, hyung? Why do you have those?" Jungkook asks.

Yoongi looks at Jimin, eyes wavering. Jimin's hand was shaking, and Yoongi looked like he was constipated.

"What's going on here...?" Taehyung entered the room, and it felt like everyone froze.

"Yoongi hyung, you look constipated." He laughed.

"Jiminie, what are those petals?" He went closer and turned around to find Jungkook who looked like he shit himself.

"Fuck dude!" His laugh roared through out the room. "Jesus, you look like you fucking shit yourself." He dropped to the floor laughing.

"Fuck you, tae." Jimin pouted.

"You can't curse and pout! That's too cute." He cooed.

"These petals were from the flower yoongi hyung gave last night." Jimin laughs nervously.

"Why are they on your hand?" Jungkook asked, looking closely at them.

"Some fell out and then I shoved them into my pocket I really don't know why." He sighed.

"Oh. Okay then." He nodded.

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