Break up part 2

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Shawn's POV

Ever since Y/n left I just couldn't stop thinking about her I admit I fucked up really bad I never realized how much she meant until I lost her and the sad part is I may never get her back but I have to try.

It's been a couple days I decided to go to her house , I drive the 30 minutes seeing y/n car in her driveway she was home.

I take a deep breath on knock on the door and Y/n answered automatically about to close the door dead in my face

" wait wait wait I just want to talk y/n please " I said and she rolled her eyes

" there is nothing to talk about Shawn , you cheated on me multiple times you have me looking so dumb out her im loyal to you but you stick your Dick in other women then stick your dick in me ? Now I have to get tested and you better pray to god I have nothing because if I do that's your ass and her ass and I promise it won't be good " she yelled

" okay! I get it I fucked up I know that I'm so sorry y/n I never meant to hurt you it was all a mistake " I said

" a mistake ? That happened more then once so please explain to me how it was a fucking mistake?! Out of all people its hailey the same girl you told me there is nothing there we are just friends like seriously ? " she said and damn did this hurt

" what do you want me to do?! I'll do anything y/n! Just tell me and I'll do it " I said

" you really want to know ? I want you leave me alone forever " she said

" I can't do that y/n I haven't eaten, slept , I can't go on without you y/n so please just give me one more try and I promise I will be a better man for you , treat you how you are meant to be treated , love you like you are suppose to be loved , make you feel good like how you should , I want to be better for you y/n I mean that I'll block hailey number , on Instagram , on twitter it doesn't matter she means nothing to me y/n just please come home " I begged

" there is no honesty here , there is no trust , there is nothing but 2 broken hearts trying to fix that is impossible Shane " she said and I felt liquid coming out my eyes shit I'm actually crying

" please y/n 1 more try I promise you won't regret it " I said and she sighed

" fine 1 more try I promise I will literally beat your ass I'm not joking " she said wiping the tears from her eyes

" deal " I said

" I'll text you " I said breaking the awkward silence and walking away

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