Music Can Help You Say What You're Feeling

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Charlie was working on disconnecting a radio from her Corvette.

"Alright, I'm almost done." She said, letting Bee know before looking over at her friend sitting down in his humanoid form, watching The Breakfast Club. And apparently, he was enjoying it too. "No way! Are you
actually watching it?"

He turned to face her and held a fist in the air like John Bender. "Yeah!"

The two smiled at each other and Charlie shook her head in amazement.

The two smiled at each other and Charlie shook her head in amazement

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"You can pop-in another one, if you want." She said before looking back to her work.

"You sure?" Bee asked, looking back at her.

"Yeah, go 'head!" Her expression didn't change. The smile she had stayed and it just made Bee feel happy to see it. He hoped it stayed much longer.

Turning back to the TV, he took out the 'Breakfast Club' cassette, put it back in its case and put that back in the movie box, and started looking for another movie to watch, all the while, humming 'Don't You Forget About Me'.

"Hmm...which one, which one..."

While searching, he came across one that was labeled 'CHARLIE DIVE MEET'. Sounded interesting. And if it was about Charlie, Bee was even more interested. So he took it out and inserted it into the VCR.

Then he sat back down and got comfortable.

On the screen, it showed Charlie in a swimsuit and on a diving board. Then the camera widened out to show how high the diving board was.

Then he heard someone say, "Woo-hoo! Come on, sweety!" But he wasn't th only one who heard it.

In the Corvette, Charlie's head jerked at the sound of that. Was that really who she thought it was? Her heart clinched before it started racing. She could feel the bad emotions flowing in.

Bee on the other hand was entertained by it. This seemed to show that Charlie was at one time on a swim team.

"You got this, Charlie girl!" Back on the screen, Charlie jumped off the board, flipped multiple times before she fell gracefully into the water. "Alright, Charlie girl!"

"Wow!" Bee whispered to himself as he kept on watching.

Next, it showed Charlie swimming to the edge of the pool where the man holding the camera came into view but kept it on him and Charlie.

"Hello, Brighton Falls, this is Charlie Watson," he said, pointing behind him, "Future olympic gold medalist. That was so perfect."

"Thanks, Dad." She replied.

"How do you feel?"

She was a bit out of breath, but still had that smile. "I feel great!"

"You were amazing!"

Suddenly, the TV turned off with a mad Charlie pushing the button.

"No! Why would you play this?!" She exclaimed.

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