Chapter 1: I love you Kyle

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{do not own South Park or anything from it!}

~Stan's POV~

As I walked into the classroom of the first day in highschool I saw the guy that I fell in love with over the summer, Kyle Broflovski. I walked to the seat beside him and sat down.

"Hi Stan" Kyle greeted me cheerfully

"Hello" I replied shyly

"Is something wrong?" Asked Kyle with a worried look on his face

"No, I'm just tired" I said and smiled. He smiled back.

The teacher entered the classroom and everyone went quiet and everyone looked forward. The teahcer started talking about Algebra or something I wasn't really listening cause I was staring at Kyle and smiling. I loved everything about him. I was now staring only at his lips and wondered how it would be to kiss him. Before I knew it I had began to drool. The teacher looked at me.

"Stan Marsh why are you drooling all over your table?!" The teacher asked angry.

"I'm sorry I-I just didn't sleep anything last night and I got really tired all of a sudden so I guess that's why I was drooling" I said and looked at the teacher.

"Allright just please don't let it happen again" said the theacher and he resumed writing something on the big chalkboard that was on the wall. Then after a few minuets the school bell rang and everybody started putting their books into their bags and walked out of the classroom and into the school hall's. As I was walking down some stairs that led to the classroom I had to go to next, I heard Kyle calling my name from behind me.

"Hey Stan, wait!"

I stopped and turned around and saw Kyle running towards me "hey Kyle" I said as he stopped infront of me and then we continued walking side by side as we talked

"Can I ask you something Stan?"

"Sure, what?" I replied

"Why were you looking at me while you were drooling in class?" I froze. Did he see I was staring at him, why didn't he say anything? I started blushing and then I ran away.

~Kyle's POV~

Stan froze and I could see he was blushing and then he ran away. Why did Stan just run away like that without answering my question. Was he drooling because of me? Did he mabye have a crush on me? I have to go find him. I walked in the direction that Stan ran to and started looking around. After a little while I saw Butters

"Hey Butters have you seen Stan around here?" I asked hoping that his anwer would be yes.

"Well gee I think he ran to that lockerroom over there" said Butters and pointed towards a boys lockerroom.

"Thanks Butters" I said and walked over to the lockerroom.

I opened the door and walked in. On one of the benches I saw Stan sitting and looking down. I walked over to him

"Stan... why did you run away like that?" I asked as I sat down beside him.

"I'm really sorry I just had to get some space" he replied

"Oh, should I go?"

"I don't care" replied Stan and I stood up and was about to walk away but then he grabbed my arm

"Please... don't go Kyle" he looked up at me and I saw tears in his eyes. He stood up still holding my arm and then he put a finger under my chin and said something that shocked me

"I love you Kyle" and then he slowly pressed his lips against mine. I just stood there in shock cause I had no idea how to react. After a few seconds he backed away.

"Do you like me back?" He asked

"I-I don't know, I didn't even knew y-you felt this way about m-me u-until now" I stuttered

"Well mabye this will help you" he leaned forward and kissed me and then he slowly made me lie down on the bench with him on top of me. He licked my lower lip asking for entrence and for some reason I opened my mouth a little and he stuck his tounge into my mouth and explored every inch of it. After a while he took his lips of mine and I gasped for air. He grinned and then he gave me a peck on the forhead, stood up and then he just left leaving me lying on the bench wondering what the hell just happened.

~time skip~

I was walking home and I was still in shock. I can't believe Stan kissed me. Before I knew it I was standing in front of the door on my house. I opened it and walked into my house. I walked into the kitchen and saw my dad reading the newspaper.

"Umm.. dad can I ask you something?"

"Sure Kyle what is it?" He replied while putting down the newspaper and offering me a seat across the table from him and I sat down.

"Well, a person from my class told me that it loves me and then kissed me"

"Do you like that person?"

"I'm kinda starting to" I replied and blushed a little

"Then tell her that you like her to" dad said and smiled.

"Uh, a-actually i-it's a guy" I replied and looked down at the table. Silence...

"Then I guess you should tell... him that you like... him" said dad and smiled weakly. I guess he's just surprised that I like a guy and not a girl.

"Thanks dad" and then I went upstairs and to into my room.

I lie down on my bed and stare at the ceeling but then someone knocked on my bedroom door "come in". My dad opened the door and stood in the doorway

"Just wondering but the boy you like"

"Yeah?" I asked

"what's his name"

"Stan Marsh"

"Ok, bye" he said and walked away. I layed on my bed for a while and then jumped up. What if Stan doesn't want anyone to know he's gay?

(A/N) Thanks for redaing this chapter :)

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