Chips In The Rain

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"You're so adorable."

I blushed, kissing Sherlock's cheek and staring at my shoes.

"Don't hide that blush, it's beautiful."

My cheeks reddened even more, and I avoided eye contact.

"Look at me please!"

I smiled.


His whine caught my attention. I raised my head, looking into his gorgeous eyes that I couldn't place a colour on. Sherlock planted his hand softly on to the nape of my neck and brought my lips to his. My hands immediately went to his sharp cheekbones, and I leaned into him.

Luckily the pavements were empty so we weren't holding any people up. I had to stand on my toes to reach his soft mouth and I smiled when I pulled back, lacing my hand trough his and continuing to walk.

I saw him pout out of the corner of my eye, and just smirked to myself.

"I love you Emily."

"I love you too, Sherlock."


Upon arriving at our high school, we had to depart as we had separate classes for period 1.

I had Algebra, a long and boring lesson that dared me to sleep and drum my fingers on the desk annoyingly. I kept thinking of Sherlock, how I longed to see him again.

I finished the last equation in my book and packed up, ready for my next lesson. My feet hurried me along the halls with eagerness as I now had Science with Sherlock.

I shoved open the lab door, instantly spotting my seat by him.

He waved me over, pulling open the blue, plastic chair. "Hello again."

"Hi." I laughed, getting my excersise book open and scribbling down the notes from the board.

"Morning class. To start off with today, I'm going to ask a simple question but I want a detailed answer..." Mr Hughes' voice didn't etch into my brain, I was too focused on Sherlock's amazing skills at scientific knowledge and wisdom.

"Stop staring at me." He muttered under his breath, not even casting a side ways glance.

"I love your face though." I sniggered quietly, looking back at my book.

"Yours is better."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Sherlock Holmes!"

"Emily Green!"

I hadn't realised his hand around mine as I was too preoccupied by our whisper confrontation.

I grinned, tracing circles onto his skin. I saw him smile and write down quickly and messily something the teacher had said.

7 questions and 19 praises to Sherlock later, I was walking out the door with him to get to English.

"Do you want to meet me at the park tonight? 6ish?" He enquired, looking down at me momentarily.

"Yeah," I beamed, skipping slightly.

He chuckled and slowly let go of my hand. I felt alone without the touch.

"See you later." He called.



The day was a dull blur, useless lessons were thrown at me and lunch was a disaster, all of the chips had gone.

I ran home, opening the front door with my key and greeted my mum. "Hi mum."

"Em! How was school love?"



"Good." I grinned, hugging her and sprinting up the stairs to my room.

I flung my itchy uniform off and found some baseball shorts, throwing on a white vest and blue converse jacket. My trainers were laced and I grabbed my phone, sitting down on my desk.

I searched through the usual: Instagram, Facebook and texts.

It was 5:24 so I decided to do a bit of my homework now. Pulling my notebook out of my bag I sat at my swivel chair and wrote down my math problems.

Where are you?


I groaned, looking at the time and seeing I was 6 minutes late to the park.

I was doing my homework and lost track of time. Sorry.


Your chips are getting cold


Aww, you brought me chips?


Hurry up dear.


I laughed and set down my homework neatly before running down the stairs.

"Emily, where are you going? What do you want for dinner?" My mum came from the kitchen, wearing an apron.

"Sherl's got me some chips. I'll be back soon." I smiled and saw her nod.

I jogged down the street, turning corners and finally reaching my destination.

I saw Sherlock sitting at our swings, eating a bag of chips and holding another one underneath.

"Finally." He rolled his eyes.

"Sorry," I blushed and sat down next to him.

"Here you go love." A warm bag of crispy chips were put in my hands and I smiled.

I kissed his cheek and said, "Thank you."

"Anything for you."

We sat there for about an hour, eating each others chips instead of our own and laughing, talking about everything and anything.

7 O Clock rolled around, warning me about when I should be home.

"You keep on looking at your phone. What's the matter?"

I sighed, looking him in the eyes.

"I should be back soon. Mum will be wanting to watch the telly with me." I grimaced.

"Oh, okay. I should too. Mum will be worried. Plus Mycroft will just tease me about getting told off if I'm late. I better go back to feed Redbeard-" His lips were a smile but his eyes were sad.

I cut off his rambling with a small kiss to the lips.

"I'll stay a bit longer."

I leaned into his side and we swung slightly on the park feature. Sherlock snaked his arm around my waste and brought me even closer, I could his steady heartbeat as I lay my head on his chest.

He drummed his fingers against my hip, sending me into a relaxed state.

All of a sudden, rain started to slowly creep from the heavens and we both laughed, bolting under the slide to shield ourselves from the rain, now bolting down with anger and strength.

"I love watching the rain. And hearing it." I said softly, feeling content and warm.

"So do I."

It was the perfect moment. Just me and him, at a deserted park as the water from the sky lashed down, not affecting us. I felt happy, and so did Sherlock.

I seemed to have drifted to sleep, and when I woke up I was snuggled in my bed, the sound of droplets hitting the window soothing me.



Yes, Sherlock Holmes is very out of character here but it is a massive purpose. You'll see as the story goes on.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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