Chapter 2

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Me and Emma follow Brittany down the corridor,  she then leads us to a classroom. 

"This is your homeroom, room 39," she points to a sign on the door that says 39. 

"Ok, got it," I say

She shows me around a few other classes before leading us to a row of lockers.

"This is your locker here," she says pointing to a red locker.

"Its right next to mine," Emma says with a smile 

I nodded not knowing what to say.

"Ok let us continue," Emma says.

Emma takes us to a few more classrooms, before stopping at the gymnasium

"So this is the gym, where P.E class takes place and just any sports activity for that matter...uhh any questions?" I shake my head 

"Ok," she continues "That's all for the tour."

"Uhh, so what do we do now?" I say

"We could go to the diner and get milkshakes? Brittney, you want to come?" Emma says

"I wish I could, but I have to go yachting with my dad and his other rich friends, sorry" Brittney rolls her eyes.

"Ok then," Emma turns and walks towards the door "c' mon Gabbie lets go"

"Oh ok," I say confused.

We hop in Emma's car and drive to an old vintage diner down the street. We walk inside and order our milkshakes. After ordering we find a booth and sit down.

"So? what do you like to do in your spare time?" She asks.

"Uhh I like playing Volleyball and running, drawing and making art, but im not that good," I say

"Aw c' mon im sure your not that bad, show me one of your artworks." She says

"Alright then," I pull out my phone and show her a picture of a painting I did a while ago.

"Wow, this is amazing!" She said 

"You think so?" I say

"Yeah! This is totally awesome," she smiles

Our milkshakes arrive and we talk endlessly while sipping our drinks. After talking for a while I check the time, it was 4:30 pm.

"Um, I should probably go it's getting late, I'll just call my mom to come to pick me up," I say

"No, it's fine I can drive you home," she says

"Ok," I smile.

When we arrive at my house I say goodbye to Emma and walk towards my front door. I open the door and stroll to the living room where my parents are sitting.

"So how was it, sweetie?' My Mom says.

"It was great, Emma one of the guides took me to a diner and we had milkshakes," I say excitedly.

"Well that's good honey, listen, one of our new neighbours invited us over for dinner at 5:30 so you should go get ready ok?" My mom says.

I nod and head upstairs to get changed. I shower and get dressed.

This is what I'm wearing:

This is what I'm wearing:

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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