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    "Roberts, stop!" Danny ran after her, knocking over trash cans on the way.
She turned back, smirking as the older man stopped to take a breather. The woman turned and ran through the alleyway.
Danny made his way there, only to be surprised when he didn't see her running through it. She was on the ground, pinned under his brother, Jamie.

"Where you goin?" Jamie asked her, cuffing her quickly.

She struggled in his tight grip but then decided not to fight against him. She was going to let them take her in. It was a better alternative to being shot and or hurt. Hurt worse, that is.

Jamie walked her back to the police cruiser and his partner looked back at her.
"Hey Roberts, how's it going?" Eddie asked, her blonde hair falling into her eyes as she redid her ponytail.

"Never better. How's your family?" She asked.

"My wife is still beautiful as ever, my son is still an asshole," Eddie replied.

She watched in the rear view mirror as Danny pulled up in his car behind them. Jamie had since got in the driver's seat and fastened his seatbelt. Roberts leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes as Danny started talking to Jamie at his window.

"I'll meet you at the precinct. Don't make conversation with her, that's how she manipulates you."

Roberts smacked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "You think it's manipulative because you fell for it," she exclaimed.

Danny scoffed and went back to his car. Jamie and Roberts made eye contact as he pulled off to the precinct.

Roberts. Her first name is Winona. Winnie to her friends. She was constantly in trouble with the Reagan family. Especially the two brothers. Jamie and her had fought when she attended the police academy and she proceeded to get kicked out. Danny had caught her doing illegal things and tried to bust her up in prison. But she was friends with their sister, Erin. She got her out of trouble but also had to fight with Danny the whole time. Erin kept her out of trouble that time, helping her to get clean from drug abuse. Winona had been living on the streets or in shelters, addicted to crack cocaine. Their sister slapped reality into her and brought her back to humanity. Winona was eternally grateful to her. She owed Erin her life.

When they pulled up to the precinct, Eddie just opened the door for her and Winona skillfully extracted herself from the cruiser. She followed them in and sat right at Jamie's desk.

When he finished talking to his superiors and Eddie, he sighed and sat down at his desk. "Come on Roberts, do you need me to call my sister?"

"Am I gonna be in big trouble or little trouble?" She asked.

"Well since the guy was unconscious and you were still beating on him, it might be big trouble."

"Then no, don't call her. She'd give me that look and I'll be done for."

Jamie laughed. He sat down and removed her handcuffs. After he was finished he examined her closely.
"Where are you living these days?"

She shrugged. "I'm not."

Jamie paused in his assessing session to connect their eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I haven't slept in a week. I've been taking catnaps at diners."

Winona knew it was useless to even lie to him. He'd find out sooner or later. Probably from Danny.

"When did you last eat?" He asked softly.

"Why do you care?" She snapped back.

Jamie shrugged. "Erin cares about you. You mean a lot to her."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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