He Realises His Feelings For You

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He was in denial for a long time, letting his pride and the thought that a need for a woman in his life was 'unnecessary' get the better of him. He also tended to let his annoyance towards your teasing and the nickname 'Short 'n' Dangerous', which you refused to stop calling him, cover up his feelings considering he'd never actually been in love before and didn't really know how to express it, not that he really wanted to.

But all that changed after around a month of knowing you and occasionally fighting alongside you against other demons and he grew to accept how he felt for you. He argued less with you but still grew mildly annoyed whenever you teased him or called him by the nickname you gave him.

Though he secretly fears that you may not feel the same, he plans to one day gain the courage to tell you how he feels.

A/N: Sorry for any OOCness or crappiness. Also, sorry for such a short chapter but at least it's something. Anyways, Enjoy!

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