First day of school

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I am just an ordinary 13 years old girl who goes to and ordinary school. I dont have a lot of friends though since i am very shy and i dont like to talk much but when i find the right best friend, i will go crazy. My life contains secrets and ups and downs, love stories, sometimes just lazy moments. But today is the worst day ever. The first day of school.

I move a lot due to the fact that i like travelling and where are my parents you may ask? They are up in heaven right now, watching over me. This happened pretty long ago, when i was just a little 8 years old girl. But the past is the past and i have to worry about my present, how i am going to dress, what am i going to say, am i going to be late?! But lets just say that is too overreacting.

So i am standing in front of my bathroom sink, brushing my teeth. I look messy, as always. I mean, who doesnt look like that when they just woke up!? After i am done, i went to the kitchen and start eating my favorite oatmeal. I have a weird obsession with oatmeal somehow. I love to play with my phone while i eat. But since i need to save battery, i pulled out my ipad mini instead. After i am done, i went up to my room and put on my clothes. A pair of shorts, crop top and a grey cardigan. I will bike today since there are nice weather. From my house to school is about 10-15 minutes biking so not that far.

When i arrived at school, it was huge. The walls are painted newly white. With decorations of books, pens etc also on the wall. Well this is pretty creative. I wonder what the inside looks like. So i walked inside and no surprise, it was just as pretty. But inside here they dont have white walls. Instead they have turquoise walls and each classrooms had different colors. Since i'm 13 i go to grade 8. But first i have to go to the principal office. I had a long while searching for the principal office because it was very confusing. When i found it i knocked and i see a middle aged woman opening the door.

"Excuse me, i am a new student, i just transferred from London. And here is my form to sign in."

"Very well, my name is Maria. And i am your principal. Welcome to the school. Today, you will have a 'buddy' to guide you around the school first and then we will have a speech and you will go back to your classroom and your homeroom teacher will tell you your schedule, locker combinations etc..."


"Very well then, i will call your buddy now." Laura, please come to my office now, your new friend have arrived."

And then after a few minutes, a blonde hair girl comes. Her hair is in a ponytail. She has little makeup. Skinny jeans, tank top and vans. Blue eyes. Huhmm, cool personality, can be my friend actually. She is a bit skinny, no earrings, has some bracelets, no glasses, nice smile. I usually do this when it comes to making friends.

"So, i will be your 'buddy' and i will show you around the school."


After about 20 minutes, we have been around the whole school. We will now go to the speech. Urgh, i hope this will not be some lame boring speech like in my old school. But this is America so i hope it will be more fun.

"So, Laura, Are you in the same class as me?"

"Yes i am. And from your clothes, eyes, smile, earings, shoes, talks, i can guess you are a hard person to be friend with."

"As a matter of fact i am."

"And i can see that i am your friend already."

"That is because, i like your personality."


We continue to have short talks, sometimes we laugh about jokes and as we walked there i saw a group of boys about 14-15 walking to the speech too and i got my eyes on one guy. Brown hair, brown eyes, half european, half asian, simple clothes, sports shoes, seems popular around his friends, new to the school. He likes to be around the crowds. Active. Likes to play outside rather than using phones. He can be a swedish. He-

"His name is Nicholai, people usually call him Nick and he isnt that new, came here 1 year ago and yes he does wear simple clothes but sometimes he could be wearing swaggy clothes. That is his 'gang'. He has a sister name Bianca, 2 class upper than us." Laura clarified.

"Ok, thanks.."

"I can see that you like him."

"No i dont!"

"Admit it!"

"Fine, i do!"

"Thats right, i will help you to talk to him okay?"

"Ok, thanks."

Then we walked towards the auditorium and followed the gang and we sat right on the upper row near the gang. Then the principal starts the speech.

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