Boring.. could it get any MORE boring? hope not.

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blah blah blah.., principal speech. I knew it! this would be the most boring thing in the world so me and Laura just starts gossipping. We talk about almost everyone in this room. Including how cute Nick looks! But he will be mine!

"But i mean like how do you get him to like you?"

" I dont know but just make small talks.."

" Ok.."

After one hour of torturing, we finally went back to class. Then now we will have our locker combination, blah blah.. Our teacher was a very young looking girl, about 25 i guess, is wearing skinny jeans, t-shirt and high heels. She has brown hair, glasses and blue earrings.

"Hi guys, my name is Stephana and i will be your homeroom teacher. Since this year we changed the rules a bit so the class upper you will have the same class as you, that is why we have so many empty tables and chairs. Also after Lunch you will receive your locker combination. And then you will have free time since it is your first day. Now i will give out your schedule and talk about it a bit."

What!? Rules change? I will be in the same class as Nicholai! Yes!! My chance had finally come! But school isnt that good, also since this is a huge school, there will be a lot of bullies around, hopefully i'm not gonna be bullied. But i also hope that Nick will know tha-

"Hello? Snap out of you daydreams. We are going to meet the upper class now."

"Oh, sorry."

We walked there pretty fast because the upper class was right in front of us. The door was closed so we had to knock. I am so nervous, they could be judging us, talking about us, gossipping.. Hope that wont happen though. After a few knocks, someone opened the door. It was a boy, blonde hair, he's wearing jeans, a shirt and vans. I guess a student in the class. This boy is probably in the football team, he has his own gang, popular, and probably has girls all over him, a player. But not my type.

We walked in to the classroom and it was well organized. The teacher though was a middle aged man instead of a girl like stephana. There were no tables and chairs, probably because all of them are at our class. They were all sitted on the floor, some playing on their phones, some just chatting.

"Class, i want you to meet the 13 years old group, they will be learning with you throughout the year so we would like you to greet them and get to know them better. Since it is two groups, there will be two homeroom teachers."

Right after he finished his sentence, Laura starts making eye contact with me and then glances over Nicholai. Urgh, i knew it! She is trying to be the match maker here. I guess i have no choice since everyone has someone to talk to already. So i went over to Nicholai and talked to him.

"Hi, Nicholai right?"

"Yeah, hi person i dont know." Whats your name?"


"Ok, hi Annie."

"I heard that your quite popular with your friends and i saw you with your'gang'. Thats how i know you."

"Cool, You have a friend called Laura, right?"

" Yeah,why?"

" Just asking, but do you know if she has a crush on me, because whenever i walk past,i always hear whisperings from you guys."

" No, not.. of what i know of."

" Ok, you excited for the school year?"

" Yes!!!!"

" O..k, nice meeting ya, see you later."

" See ya!!"

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