End with strength

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It was a dark and stormy night.

In her small underwater room Nami Kaerious, wrapped in an old shipwreck blanket, sat and watched the old boats pass over her head. Thunder could be heard from above the waters. Now and then, lightning would illuminate the night sky making the water to rock.

That's when she heard it.

A scream rippled through the water, causing her to jump up in fright. It was Cordelia, her mother. Throwing the old blanket off, Nami swam towards the ear piercing wails of her parent. When she was about 30 yards away, she could see the debris of a ship falling to the bottom of her ocean home. Thoughts had begun to run through her head. What had happened? Was anyone hurt? Did anyone die? She shook her head, refusing to accept anyone's death.

Nami's mother was now in sight. She was cradling something in her arms. As she drew closer she saw who was in her mom's arms. Her father, Earendil, was lying limp in the arms of his wife. Not sure what to do, Nami froze and stared at the horrific sight. Cordelia looked up, her eyes focusing on her eldest child.

"Vernamina, come to me child," Her mother said in a quiet voice. The then ten-year-old swam towards her mother, shaking with fear. Her small hands reached for her mothers outstretched one.

"Mother, what happened to father, was it the ship" Nami questioned. Her mother paused, a look of dread appearing on her face. Sighing, Cordelia looked up into her daughter's glass blue eyes. Her pale hands brushed the cheek of her child.

"My dear, I wish it was an accident but-" She paused, drawing in her breath and glancing down at her dead husband.

"But this was no accident, a man, one of our own, he and your father got into a fight" Her mother finished. Nami's hand dropped to her side. Who did this? She didn't know. Was she ever going to find out? Well, if her mother had anything to do with it, then no.

Meantime, in Swindon, Taron Calder was happily munching on a fish he had caught earlier that day. He didn't have any problems with his life at the moment, other than his younger sister having some sort of human illness. He wasn't the biggest fan of humans or any other creatures for that matter. He had heard of sirens who would kill his kind for sport, Demons who tortured the lost souls of all who have died, Unicorns who feared most everyone, and Fairies who tricked humans into giving them what they wanted. Those creatures where why he was never to leave his shiver, at least that's what his teacher told him.

"Taron" His name was called from the other side of the cove. He wiped his hand over his face, making sure to hide the fact that he was eating before dinner. His small blue tail flicked and pushed him towards to voice. Once inside, he saw four people waiting for him. His sister, Cari being one of them. Taron narrowed his eye and gave the teacher a look of confusion.

"Taron, these two are here to take you and Cari into their family" The teacher, Malila, spoke. His eyebrows knitted together. Did someone want to take them in? Like, take them in? He didn't believe it. The two had been in the Orphanage since Cari was just month old. He was beginning to question everything that was going on, especially this.

"Hi Taron, my name is Meena and this is my husband, Krill," The woman said, bending down to meet the small boy's eyes. Her breath smelled of sweets, which confused the boy. He had never had sweets because they were bad for his teeth. Cari then bumped into the back of her older brother who was just staring at the strange woman.

"Brother, who is she," Cari asked in a whisper like voice. Meena looked at the young girl. She began to introduce herself and her husband again. Cari moved to be in front of her older brother so she could look the woman in the eyes. The woman's eyes were a strange shade she had never seen before, a purple-ish shade. Cari squinted at the woman before turning back to her brother. She tugged on Tarons arm and jerked her head to the side to ask him to follow her. He nodded and proceeded to follow her.

"Taron, I don't trust them, did you see the woman's eyes," Cari asked. Taron glanced back at the couple. Something did seem off but he didn't even think to look at Meena's eyes, unlike Cari.

"I don't either Cari, we can talk to Malila about it," He told the younger girl. They swam back and asked Miss Malila to come over and talk to them. She apologized and stepped aside with the kids.

"What's the problem kids," Malila asked them. They looked at each other and then back to her. Taron was worried she might not listen to them, but it was worth a shot.

"Miss Malila, we don't think we should go with them, something seems... Off" Taron told the older woman. Cari nodded her head in agreement. Malila turned her head to look at the couple, seeing that the children were right. She wanted them to be adopted but not by these people. Malila looked back to the kids and placed her hands on their shoulders.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this," She told them. She swam back towards the couple and informed them that they could not take the children due to private matters. What happened next was unexpected to the teacher and the kids. The couple nodded and thanked the teacher for her time before swimming away. All three were expecting them to be angry but that just wasn't so. Not once did they turn around to even so much as look at the other children playing outside of their rooms. Malila sent the children back to their shared room, trying to get them all back inside to go to sleep.

The next day went as usual. The kids were woken up and brought into the dining hall for breakfast. After breakfast was classes. First was defense with Mr. Rayleen, who was one of the older teachers at school. After he was Miss Coralea who taught them to speak English. No one knew how she knew it but somehow, she did. Then Lunch. That was a school favorite considering they had about an hour and a half or lunch and to go play.

That's when they showed up.

Two sirens. A young one and an older one, hand in hand swimming towards the school. The younger one looked to be tired and annoyed that she was up. The older one looked worried and just as tired as the younger. The teachers told the students to stay where they are and to keep calm. Malila was the first to approach them.

"Hello Miss Cordelia, how are you," Malila asked. Cordelia looked down at her daughter and then back to the other woman.

"I'm good, as is Vernamina, however, we do need your assistance," She told the teacher. Malila raised an eyebrow but quickly decided not to ask any questions around the children. She escorted the sirens inside and into an office so they could discuss the matters. Another teacher brought Nami into a separate room to play with whatever toys she could find. She was alone for about 5 minutes when a boy swam into the room. He quickly backed into the wall, not taking his eyes off the girl.

"W-who are you and w-what are you doing in here," The boy asked. Nami looked over to him and rose to face him. She smiled and held out her hand.

"I'm Vernamina, but you can call me Nami, I'm here because of a personal matter and my mother needed assistance from your teacher," Nami told him. His eyes darted away from her and to a small window on the other side of the room. He could see the silhouette of his teacher and another woman.

"I'm Taron, it's nice to meet you," Taron told her. He took her hand in his and shook it. The two began to talk for a while until the adults came in two take Nami. She waved back at the boy and swam into the distance.

He never saw her after that.

AN: wordcount 1419

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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