09 | Happy Birthday

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   THE YEAR IS 2011. The date is November 2nd, 2011. More specifically, today is Riley O'Dair's birthday.

   As of today, Riley has orbited around the sun ten times. The young heroine liked to think she'd learned a lot throughout the past decade—information about the strange world she inhabited, about the people surrounding her, and most importantly, about herself.

   The idea of growing up had always excited Riley. She used to dream about the day where she was big and strong. She fantasized about being able to prove herself to everyone who doubted her that she was worth betting on. Riley couldn't wait for the days where her dreams could come true, where her life was finally paradise.

   Her motivation and pure optimism toward her future were what kept Riley O'Dair going all of these years. Her life wasn't easy. She hadn't started her story off on the right foot, but even as she stumbled hopelessly through life, Riley O'Dair swore to herself that she would persevere.

   Even if life tended to kick Riley's ass, she always tried to maintain a sunny exterior. She might have been a ruthless agent in the field, but her bubbly personality always shined through behind the scenes.

   But today was different. Because now, not only was Riley 10-years-old, she had finally grown old enough to understand that whatever God was in control of her life really had a personal vendetta against her.

   Riley was brought up differently than other children. She began to mature at a much younger age than anticipated, which was why many of her phases starter earlier than they should have. The newest phase she was experiencing was the one teenagers were notorious for—the one where they're constantly bitter and angry at the world for something, anything.

   Still, Riley thought she was pretty valid in her regularly scheduled rage.

   It all started last year, in which Iron Man was favored for the Avengers Initiative, whereas Tony Stark was rejected.

   "I can't believe they liked Iron Man, but not the dude behind the mask! What kind of logic is that!?" Riley remembered shouting after finding out the news that Tony wouldn't be joining the Avengers.

   She remembered how Tony shrugged despite his disappointment. He wouldn't let it show. "Funny. I said the same thing," Tony had calmly replied.

   Riley had sighed, pouting. "If it makes ya feel better, I really fought for you in my report," she revealed. "I'm sure they cut some stuff out 'cause I wrote a lot, but I really thought you'd be perfect for the team!"

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