"I heard you love can I join ? " I look at him "Is that a no?" Suddenly my feet are not on the ground they are hanging of the side,of Devan's arms. If I wanted to I could stop him I could tell him stop I could just simply just walk away but I couldn't. I then noticed the place we where heading. me bedroom? Really, I jumped out of him arms and almost hit my head. I lunged at his hand and got it in mine. this felt good this felt right. I always loved holding his hand. I tow him towards his room when I fell a sudden spark of energy. He was biting me really I let go of his hand, he took my hand and kissed it." I am sorry love lets go to the pool." My eyes britten. we have a a ppool in the back yard.
Don't judge me it is not a very good story and it is not well thought out. Also if you hve any idea's tell me them in the comments.