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I was afraid I wouldn't make friends at UA. I had friends in middle school, and everyone thought I was funny. They tell me I'm outgoing, but it's just because I've known them my whole life that it's so easy to talk to them. Being new to a school was a whole different story. Being new to a hero school was a whole different story. I started to miss my friends more and more...

Then, I met him. On the day of registration, I sat alone in the auditorium, I didn't know anyone, and my anxiety grew legs and arms and was beating the shit out of my stomach. I fidgeted in my seat and couldn't help thinking, aren't heroes supposed to be sociable? How am I gonna survive this school if I can't handle sitting alone? Then, a boy with pale orange hair with a black lightning bolt streak sat right next to me. He smiled with every ounce of light in the world. Like, he absorbed it just to smile at me. And it let him.

He says, "Hey! Sero, right? I saw you in the entrance exam, awesome quirk!" At that moment, I realized who it is he reminded me of. It's Pikachu.

I stammer, "U-Um, thanks. What's yours?" and immediately feel bad for not recognizing him, because he's definitely memorable. I guess my nerves got the best of me.

He says, "Electrification! I still gotta learn to control it, don't use that against me or anything! The name's Kaminari, but you can call me Denki-kun." That explains the million-watt smile of his. I remember that I'm supposed to reply.

"Hanta Sero, I shoot tape!" Dear God, 'I shoot tape'?! He should beat me up just for saying that. I decide to attempt to do damage control, "Call me Hanta-kun."

"How about I call you Santa, Santa Sero!" We both laugh, and he grins so wide I think I'll go blind. He's so funny. I think I'm swooning. Wait, I'm not gay. Before I can think any more about that, the onstage lights come on and we both turn to watch. All Might, Eraser Head, and Present Mic saunter to center stage, followed by a bear-looking guy that I later learned was the principal. They're all pros or former pros. Later, they tell us that they're going to be the teachers this year for class 1-A. I'm so psyched, All Might's my favorite hero, and he's going to teach me everything he knows about being a hero!

I'm gathering my things after the assembly when Denki-kun pipes up and asks, "Wanna come to the movies with me? I hate to go alone, but I really wanna see the new Avengers movie." I like the Avengers.

"Sure, man!" I say, a little too excitedly. But I don't like boys. I don't!

"Great! It'll be on me." I didn't want him to pay for my way in, considering he's the one who asked me.

My stomach jumps as I say, "You don't have to! You invited me, and it would be rude!" He nods and says, "Sure, but I don't mind. We're friends now, man!" He heartily puts his arm around me in side-hug and claps his hand on my shoulder. Then, I realize I forgot about Umi-chan. I hesitantly ask, "Is it okay if my girlfriend comes with us?" Denki-kun looks caught off guard.

"Sure! My friends are your friends and vice versa." So I take out my iPhone and text her. She agrees to come with us, and I pay her way in.

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