6. Ethan + Amelia

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After my breakup with Emma I had been partying a bit, I was underage nineteen but I had a fake id. I was on my way to a party, Grayson my twin tried to get me to stay home which he thinks he succeeded but I snuck out. I drove to the hearts my usual club, the bouncer let me in after he looked at my id, I headed straight for the bar a brunette sat on one of the stools looking around, our eyes made contact and it felt as if it was just us. I shook it off and headed for the seat next to her, "waiting for someone?" She nodded. "Who? What idiot do I have to beat up for standing you up?" She giggled.
"My friend, she's probably too busy with her tongue down some guys throat." A funny one, I chuckled, "what are you doing?"
"Just thought I'd come out tonight."
"The usual?" The bartender asked me, "Ethan?"
"Uh, yes please."
"Just tonight?" She asked me along with a chuckle, "your a usual. Every night?"
"Yeah. I guess."
"You don't seem old enough to be here." She whispered in my ear, "how old are you really?"
"Nineteen." I whispered back, "and you?"
"Sixteen." Oh, she under the age of eighteen.
"I should get you home," I stood up and held my hand out, she grabbed it and followed me out of the hearts, "or your house?" She touched my arm as she whispered in my ear, her warm breath tickling my neck. Am I going to do this? She's underage. "Your underage and my brother is home." God. Help. Me. Her brown eyes looked up at me, she looked twenty with her tall heels, "so what, big man?" I chuckled at her, she was quite adorable and still quite a lot shorter than me with those tall heels on, oh no. I'm doing this. Ethan, don't. "Let's go." I grabbed her hand and walked her to my car, she got in the passenger seat and we drove off, not to my house but a hotel. "A hotel? Oooooh." She jumped up and down, "you rich-rich." I chuckled, "so Mr. Ethan, what's your last name?" She knew my name? I have to— "that bartender said your name." She read my mind. "Ethan Grant Dolan. And you?"
"We doing middle names as well? Okay. Amelia Elizabeth Carter. And what do you do, fine sir?" I parked out front of the hotel, it was nice and looked a little expensive. "YouTube, you?"
"Wait- youtube? Whats your channel called?" Oh no.
"Dolan Twins," She got her phone out and searched it. "You are definitely rich-rich! Nine million! Actually, look at me." I turned to face her, her jaw dropped, "I've seen you on Instagram and Snapchat and?" She tapped her chin, thinking. "James Charles. Emma chamberlain." No. No. No. "Oh my god, what's your twins name?"
"Grayson." I jumped out of my Jeep and ran to her side to help her, my hands around her tiny waist as I helped her down, "when are you seventeen?"
"Tomorrow." She looked upset, should I ask? Oh, I'll do it anyway, "are you okay?"
"Yeah, Yeah. Just my mom." She rolled her eyes, I grabbed her hand and we walked inside hand in hand. Her hand was small and mine must look like a giant compared to her, "happy birthday for tomorrow- wait, tomorrow? I should get you hom—"
She cut me off, "no, please don't. My mom just- doesn't care about me- that why I was out, away from her and her toys." I just wanted to protect her, "when do you turn twenty?" She asked, changing the subject, "December."
"Happy birthday for December!" She jumped around, it was cute and I just wanted to hug her for what she's been through, where's her dad? Don't ask. But I did, "where's your—"
"Dad? Dead. I love—loved—him so much and now I have a dead beat mom." Good on ya, Ethan. I stopped her and gave her a massive hug, she laughed, "I don't want your sympathy. I'm fine. I'm alive." I continued to hug her anyway, "hey, my birthday is tomorrow so I'd like a room and these clothes—" she got on her tippy toes and whispered, "off." I pulled away and looked at her lips, I grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss. "Room." She said as I pulled away, she waited as I booked a room, the receptionist giving me dirty looks as she went back and forth with me and Amelia. I snatched the card and waved Amelia over, she grabbed my hand twirling around, I think I like her.

We hurried to the room as I opened it, Amelia pushed me in, she threw her arms around my neck and walked me over to the bed, "Mr. Ethan." She purred as she pushed me onto the bed, "let's shower." She ran to the bathroom. As I took my shoes off, Grayson called me. Answer? "Don't be mad." I said as I answered.
"Why are you at a hotel?"
"Checking the credit card?" I scoffed, "don't worry about me, Gray."
"Ethan, I know you miss her—"
"I don't miss her, now if you don't mind. I have a great girl waiting—"
"Ethan! Don't hang—" I hung up, sorry bro.
"Ethannnnn!" Amelia called, the shower on, I stripped to my underwear and hurried to the shower.

Amelia was already in the shower, her clothes scattered around the bathroom. I opened the shower door and she was nude, her body was amazing, I slipped my underwear off and stepped into the shower, my hands on her waist, she turned around and smashed her lips into mine. Harsh. Rough. Love. Do I love her?

Ethan + Amelia

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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