Libaries in the sewers

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It was summertime, where life for kids turned into movies. Me and my pal Jark harvey had planned to hang out at my house, play videogames, watch movies, explore our tiny town, find a new friend possibly, and much other cool cool stuff. And we did do all of those cool cool things. We did. But we also, which is weird, is read. We read over summer!? Which is super weird because who reads in the summer. Only nerds. And to be clear... We are not nerds. But these books...these were like from another dimension, another world, another future. And me my pal wanted to find out where, how, when, why, these books existed.

These books belonged to these libraries underneath our town called rongo. They were in the sewers. And i know you probably think these libraries must have rats and doo doo all up in it and it smells like poop and stuff. But trust me. These libraries smells like any other library, probably even better. And yeah there's more than one. We found around 13 of them and im talking full decked libraries with like thousands of books and second floors. We never questioned how these libraries were built so hugely in a sewer... Or I think we did once. But anyways... Yeah. Sewers in the library... Libraries in the sewers I mean, yada yada. Pretty amazing stuff.

Even though school has started up again, me and Jark still plan on going to the libraries and we also made an oath not to tell anyone else. I remembered we were sitting at this wooded round table in library 7 and he told me to never tell anyone or like we had to agree on telling someone about it together. So he got out his pocket knife that his dad gave him and cut my hand and then did it to himself and then we shook on it. I really thought I was gonna get a disease. But eventually the cut healed and I think some of Jark's blood is inside of me now.

He to told me that he was going to meet me after school at my house. So after my first day in 8th grade I headed towards my house. After awhile the sky started to look sad like it wanted to cry so I ran the rest of the way home. When I got inside my mom was talking to a business man and my dad was out protecting our town. I waved at my mom which in response she blew me a kiss. I smiled back and then jolted upstairs and threw my backpack onto my bed. I turned on my tv which was already on channel 60 where the cartoons play. After an hour I realized that Jark had not shown up to my house. I then noticed the tiky taks coming from the roof so I looked outside to see it pouring. Even though it was still summer, it wasn't unusual for this to be happening because where I live the weather changes like nothing. It was kind of a relief too because lately there has been wild fires up and down the state. Luckily no wild fires has struck my town.

I was kinda excited to see Jark too but because of my family vacation to New York, I haven't seen him for a week. He had told me that he found 3 more libraries when I was gone. And he also said he found this other thing that he was going to tell me when we met. But I guess that will have to wait for tomorrow.

After staring out the window I went down stairs and made a sandwich to eat.

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