• Driving Lesson •

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~ Sorry I haven't updated in a while, babes. I'm gonna make it up to you, I'm working on my imagines and two other books and it takes a lot of time to do that. Plus, I have to go to school and study. Hope you'll like this one. ~

"Y/N." You hear Michael's cheerful voice calling you.

"Y/N." You pretend to sleep not wanting to get up.

He shakes you a bit.

Still nothing.

"Wake up..." He whines peppering soft kisses all over your neck.

"Michaellll." You mumble groggily, rubbing your eyes.

"Yes!" Michael cheers. "Finally awake."

"Couldn't you leave me alone til I wake up without you disturbing me?" You huff placing a pillow on your face.

He chuckles knowing you're definitely not a morning person.

"You promised you'll give me a driving lesson."

"This would be a billionth time you fail it." You snort. He hits your arm playfully.

"We have so much fun every time. C'mon, don't be a party-breaker." He jokes as you drag yourself out of the bed to get ready for the day.


"Stop it, stop it, stop it!" You yell as he stops the car suddenly after accelerating too much.

You sigh in relief and see him bite his lip in a guilty manner, dropping his gaze down to his feet.

"I'm hopeless." He mumbles disappointedly crossing his arms. You melt at his cuteness.

"Awwww, babe, I didn't mean it like that." You pat his thigh making him look at you. "I just didn't wanna die today, that's all." You chuckle as he pouts suppressing a smile.

You tickle his neck a little and his pearly white teeth are immediately revealed as he screeches and laughs.

"OK, OK, I'm good now." You peck his nose and he giggles.

"Let's try again. This time go slower." You explain.

He nods and starts the engine. Somehow, he drives the car backwards, almost hitting the fence.

Stretching his neck a little he gives you an awkward smile while you look at him with wide eyes.

Five seconds later, you both burst out laughing.

"Y-you're... Totally.. Untalented... Ff-for this!" You say while giggling and laughing.

After finishing your crazy laughing session, Michael leans into his seat completely. He puffs blowing a curl out of his face. You beam at the adorable sight infront of you. This is his most relaxed and comfortable mood, and you love every second of it.

"What?" He blushes noticing your stare.

You take his hand in yours and sigh. "I love you more and more every day, you know that?"

He smiles, his pearly white teeth shining. "I love you even more, baby." His soft lips kiss the back of your hand and you just sit there in peaceful silence.

"Let's go on some rides." He suggests eagerly.

"Sure, Mike. But I'm driving us home." You tease him and wink.

He sticks his tongue out at you and you shake your head snickering at his actions.

However, you can't prevent one particular feeling overwhelming your entire being even if you wanted to.

That feeling being love.

~ Vote and comment, please! ~

~ P. S. These GIFs give me life. ~


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