Chapter 1; How it all Began

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Elena woke up early that morning ,as the sun began to rise she sat on the seat beside the big window in her bedroom . She had a lot on her mind today , it was the start of her junior year at high school . Matt was she thought about the most since she had known since they were both born , he was her best friend well one of them at least , but things had changed last year when they dated . And now they split up after both Elena's parents died on old wickery bridge last April . Elena had never really gotten over it to be honest , but she always put on a brave face for her friends , her brother Jeremy and her aunt Jenna's sake but now it sank in "their gone " she thought, no more boy advice from her mom ,no more serious relationship talks from her father . And a part of Elena had always thought it was her fault that her and Jeremy had lost their parents . Since they'd had come to look for her after she snuck out when it was family night so she could go to a party . Elena glanced at the clock and realised how long she had been staring out her bedroom window . Slowly she made her way to the bathroom grabbing her toothbrush and slowly brushing her teeth .

"You know if brush them any faster and harder they might come out " Her little brother said sarcastically leaning on the door his arms crossed again this chest she laughed at him.

"Sorry just have a lot on my mind at the moment " she said at him smiling .

He walked towards her and tucked at bit if her long brown hair behind her right ear and smiled "you'll be fine warrior princess " he mocked that's what her father used to call her before he passed and she never knew why since Elena was never brave like her mother or aunt .

"Shut up " she laughed looking down nudging him back , in response Jeremy put in air as a surrender signal Elena laughed then walked to her room and closing her door behind her ,she had to get changed at once stage .


Stefan hadn't slept the entire night last night . All he could think about was her ,Elena. How much she resembled Katherine was breath taking . The same chocolate brown hair and eyes , even the same smile . But Elena was different from Katherine , Elena was warm and kind and even a bit selfless Katherine was never those things , Katherine was heartless ,impatient , selfish and even evil at times but above all those things Katherine was a monster . Just like Stefan . A blood sucking demon of the dead . The reason Stefan came back to this town was Elena . He had to meet her and actually talk to her this time , he'd been watching her since the accident he had saved her from . Stefan knew this was risky but this was his home and he had to know her .

"Uncle Stefan ?" Asked Stefan's nephew Zach " are you alright ?" .

"Quite alright Zach " Stefan replied politely with a wide reassuring smile .

"And your sure you have it ... It under control ?" He asked worried now .

"Zach we've talked about this I've not had any human blood for decades " Stefan said he was used to this from Zach by now , ever since Stefan had returned to Mystic Falls Zach had often asked him if he was thirsty for anything than animal blood and the answer was always the same ,no.

"I'd better be going about now " Stefan said making his way towards the door .

He ran until he got to Elena's house , since she had lived right next to the school .

"Who's the new hottie?"

"I want him "

"Mine" the murmurs and whispers had followed him until he got to the registration office .

"Hello , can I help you young man ?" The office lady had asked politely .

"I'm Stefan Salvatore, I believe I was registered here about a month or so ago " I said politely ,but I knew I didn't register I didn't have to I could compel her to believes did .

"I don't believe you did sorry and there is no record of your registration on her , I'm very sorry " she said politely but confused .

I took off my sunglasses and looked into her eyes while she stared back clueless "I'm sure it's all there, and I hoped I would attend the same English , History and French as Elena Gilbert " I compelled her .

"Of course and yes here it is " she said handing me my timetable for the year .

"Thank you " I said as I put my sunglasses back on and made my way out of the office heading down the corridors . Then I saw thee back Elena's hair making her way towards the men's bathroom . I wondered what she was doing the so I casually took out my phone and pretended to text an old friend Lexi while I could listen to what she was doing in there . She arguing about drugs to her troubled little brother Jeremy . I sensed the conversation was about to end to I put my phone back into my jean pocket and made my towards the bathroom Jeremy had walked out looking very angry while seconds later Elena followed him and had bumped into me .

"I'm sorry " she apologised smiling at me .

"It's fine umm is this the men's bathroom ?" I asked pretending to be confused and pointing at the door .

"Umm... Yes , yes it is " she laughed blushing looking down at her feet laughing to herself.

"Okay I'm guessing I don't want to know " I replied back while she continued to laugh .

"It's a long story" she said shaking her head smiling .

"Okay" I said in response returning the smile .

"I'd better be going then " she said making her way I stepped aside only to be in her way again and then moved to the left and the again to be standing in front of her , she laughed I stepped aside while she stayed still and made her getaway . She looked back at me and I looked back at her she smiled and then walked away .

Okay so that's chapter 1 !! Should I continue or should I leave it there and never go back ? I'm really self consensus ( i think that's how you spell it I dunno ?) about my writing so comments would help a lot !!!! Please tell what you thought of it and if you think it's terrible plz tell that too so I can improve my writing skills -Kelsey

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